Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by achunter

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    Best matting for hay bale blind?

    I built a hay bale blind and I'm wondering where to get the matting for it. I live near Cedar Rapids so hopefully something close to there. Any help is appreciated thanks
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    Looking for opinions on morning hunts

    When walking to the stand in the dark, do you guys use a flashlight to help navigate more quietly or is it best to not use a light.??
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    My attempt at a hay bale blind

    I've been thinking about doing this as well. How long was the hog panel that you used for the main part.
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    Anyone used ozonic hr 150 or 200

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm just looking for anything that can help. This year I'll have my boy out there with me, so I'm trying to mask both our scents.
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    Anyone used ozonic hr 150 or 200

    Jkratz what one do u use
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    Anyone used ozonic hr 150 or 200

    Has anyone used ozonics? Seems like a good idea but does it really work.
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    Cold feet?

    I wear old miltary boots, they are called mickey mouse mouse miltary boots. I wear one pair of tall socks not even insulated and my feet never get cold. I have wore a lot of different boots and these are by far the best ive ever bought, and they are only 50 to 75 bucks
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