Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Jwest

  1. Jwest

    Water hole question!

    Well, for the guys that bury them - A log or large stick might not be enough to help get a fawn out. I had to fish a dead fawn out of mine that couldn’t get out. Felt terrible. I now have a ladder type thing I made with 2x4s and weighed it down with a brick. Think it’s a 100 gallon tank buried...
  2. Jwest

    Planting sunflowers

    Can’t help with the corn planter or drilling question as we broadcast and disc in our sunflower plots. We purchase black oil varieties. Can use a pre emergent - brawl . Post emergence application of clethodim if grasses are an issue. You can buy expensive clear field sunflowers and apply imox...
  3. Jwest

    Woody plants growing amongst conifers

    I wouldn’t use 2,4-d or imazapyr. Wait until late summer/through fall and cut stump using 50%gly 50%water. https://www.windbreaktrees.com/mistakes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Jwest

    Multiflora rose/oriental bittersweet removal?

    Usually have more gly on hand. Have experienced probably close to 100% kill on cut stump with gly. Mix with blue dye, will help you keep track of which ones you’ve treated Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Jwest

    Multiflora rose/oriental bittersweet removal?

    Cut stump with triclopyr worked, but I use 50% gly/water majority of the time now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Jwest

    Cedar tree removal

    I stacked and burned em up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Jwest

    Cedar tree removal

    Thought I would share cedar removal project on my property. So thick nothing was using them. After removal. There was some elms in there that I did a mix of flush cut and hinge cut. I then frost seeded a native seed mix Current vegetation is about 5’ tall, super happy with first year...
  8. Jwest

    Apple/Pear Trees

    I use these tags. Seem decent, no complaints yet but only have had them on for a few months . https://www.amazon.com/Aluminum-Double-Sided-Markers-Identification-Greenhouse/dp/B09MVJP1NY/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Jwest

    Multiflora rose/oriental bittersweet removal?

    Yeah don’t know yet- hopefully! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Jwest

    Multiflora rose/oriental bittersweet removal?

    foliar sprayed or cut stump? I did a bunch of cut stump this fall with triclopyr Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Jwest

    Cedar shingle oak hillside

    I’m still young-ish and ambitious (or dumb?) . Grapple bucket on the tractor would be nice just not in the budget right now. The areas I’m working are relatively small- if it was large scale I would be renting some equipment. I split and burn the cedar in wood stove for the house. Not the...
  12. Jwest

    Cedar shingle oak hillside

    Cut, drag, stack, burn , repeat. Really is back breaking work. This area I may have cut 20 or so down. I Looked like this before I started. Mulcher would make quick work but then how long are those cedar chips going to take to decompose and let anything grow ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Jwest

    Cedar tree removal

    I am too cheap to hire someone to do it. I’ll use the chainsaw and make brush piles for small game and burn some of the rest. This is also my backyard so I don’t have to do it all in one day. That is also why I was thinking about planting some new cedars, I can easily manage this area without...
  14. Jwest

    Cedar tree removal

    Continuing my war on cedars. This is a half acre of overgrown cedars (it gets thicker than what the picture shows). My plan here is to clear cut the cedars and actually replant cedars in a sporadic pattern and not letting them spread. I was thinking doing half the section in cedars and the other...
  15. Jwest

    Plum thicket

    Probably area/deer population dependent, but did you guys tube them? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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