Recent content by whitetailnut

  1. whitetailnut


    dbltree, is there any point in spraying a first year cir stand this late in the summer? I have a stand that looks very similar to sexy skips first picture. It has a little foxtail and some random broadleafs showing. I would say 80% switch and 20% weeds. Would I gain anything now or just...
  2. whitetailnut

    Soil building question

    thanks dbl, pretty sure ill use round up, let it dry out a week or two and then seed. Thanks for the help!!!
  3. whitetailnut

    Soil building question

    If you had a plot of say red clover or buckwheat or some other soil builder and you didnt have the tractor to disc it into the soil could you still get the benefit from it by hitting it with round up and then disc it in. Im having trouble with a red clover plot planted this spring, mowed once...
  4. whitetailnut


    Just got back from checking my first year switch, and first ever planting. I am excited I have a great jump. Small plot compared to you guys, probably and acre and a half. But it is rocking. We have had colder temps so my switch is only about an inch tall but very little weed competition. I...
  5. whitetailnut


    thanks for the help guys, thats what I thought just needed reassurance. My stand of first year switch is looking good right now, we'll see what the summer brings before I take any further action.
  6. whitetailnut


    is CIR switch resistant to atrazine at all stages? Can I spray it now to kill other plants that have emerged by adding some crop oil. I did everything right and have tons of switch germinating and little weeds but just curious as it warms and more weeds grow if I can still spray atrazine??
  7. whitetailnut

    select 2 herbicide

    ok maybe I'm getting lazy but the clover thread is getting a little long. Where is the best current online source for buying select2 herbicide. rainy dreary saturday here and I'm just planning ahead. Got about 2 1/2 acres I neglected last summer and wanna hit hard this year, coupled with...
  8. whitetailnut

    Remote plot question

    thanks for the help dbltree. yes the deer by me LOVE brassicas. With rye, can you plant it earlier in the summer or are you saying dont seed anything till late summer.
  9. whitetailnut

    Remote plot question

    roughly the size of a two stall garage. cleared a lot of overhanging limbs today. will get 70% sun all summer long. Soil is decent loam with a little sand. Has a few pines growing nearby, but I overlimed it today. Should be a pretty good growing canvas. I would prefer to start it with...
  10. whitetailnut

    Remote plot question

    So I have a 3 acre sanctuary that we never set foot in except for a few days shed hunting and I am going to plant a small food plot in the middle of it strictly for deer nutrition not to hunt over. Since I want this to be a minimal intrusion plot what would you guys recommend planting in early...
  11. whitetailnut

    Ag Lime Help!!!

    you guys will think im crazy but I just got done spreading 1600 pounds of pelletized ag lime through a quad mounted spreader. And did some with a bag seeder that will only hold 20 lbs. I have five small food plots none bigger than 1/4 acre, some that are only accessible by foot. I throw down...
  12. whitetailnut


    just a question on location. im in sw michigan a little ways further north than you guys. I have 2 acres killed and ready for frost seeding but still have over 18 inches of snow and no signs of much thawing very soon. Should I wait or get it out there fairly soon. Also, would atrazine and...
  13. whitetailnut

    Native Warm Season Grass

    Re: NWSG Herbicide i have a 2 acre plot killed dead and dead over again in aug and sep and will frost seed straight cir in late feb, early march. My question is that dbltree mentioned thatch will absorb some of the atrazine. I have a somewhat heavy layer of that in spots so with my first shot...
  14. whitetailnut

    Stinkin' DOGS!!!!!! Question!?!?

    one time through have a hard time shooting, second time...dead puppy no questions asked.
  15. whitetailnut

    Numba 2!!

    Congratulations man, my second is due saturday, but wife is feeling kinda funny tonight!!! Which is good with me since we cant hunt into january as a lot of states can. Children are quite a blessing and have changed the way I look at the world in a huge way, puts things into perspective!!