Search results

  1. Buckhunter92

    Rainy 2024

    Me an 3 buddies made the trip north to the mecca of spring walleye fishing. Rainy river is king in the spring if mother nature allows. Low flow had the fish a little more spread out an not relating to the seams nearly as much as normal. Our boat had a fish count of 187 and other boat at 253 in 4...
  2. Buckhunter92

    10-27 buck

    Long winded story sorry in advice This story starts 3 years ago with the first set of trail camera pictures of this deer. Narrow body wide rack deer that had a ton of potential if he could make it a couple of more years. 2021 comes an, this deer was very aggressive, if he was in the plot eating...
  3. Buckhunter92

    Fall harvest

    The drought an hot weather in August smoked the crops around the cedar falls area. Have seen 3 fields picked already. Just wondering what everyone else is seeing in there part of the state
  4. Buckhunter92

    Marinette county

    Over the weekend me and couple buddy's went up to Marinette county Wisconsin to hopefully capitalize on the walleye spawn. The fish were coming out of the bay up the small interior rivers to the dams. We launched the boat Friday morning at the mouth of the river. Our plan was to try and see if...
  5. Buckhunter92

    Spring thump

    This big ole spring walleye made up for not filling my buck tag last year. Came out of about 8 feet of water on a current seem right where she should of been laying. Smashed the hand tied bucktail I tied up the day before. Topped the scale at 11 lbs 29 3/8" and 18 inches of girth new personal best.
  6. Buckhunter92

    Dog down

    With the fresh blanket of snow we had gotten Tuesday figured the deer would be on there feet moving well before dark. The night was spoiled at 3:50 when this guy was out for a stroll couple of lip squeaks and he was on a rope right to me. Couldn't pass up the opportunity with the smoke stick at...
  7. Buckhunter92

    End of first split

    As the sun was setting on the end of the first season split. I sat in the stand looking back on all of the highs and the lows that came throughout the archery season. The highs and lows were about equal with no shots being fired on a buck. The encounters that were had definitely made the season...
  8. Buckhunter92

    Hunting journal

    Started a journal after I get out the field this year. I put in weather, pressure, wind, deer seen, location. Do you guys have anything to add to this
  9. Buckhunter92

    That moment

    Does anyone else get super pumped when they know a buddy is in the tree and you get a phone call way before you should to recap the evening hunt... you know something good happened almost as good as sending that arrow yourself
  10. Buckhunter92

    First hunt....

    Anyone else feel like there first hunt is an absolute disaster...i dropped my binos snapped them in half and bugs were horrible. We need a cold front
  11. Buckhunter92

    Dual permission

    Just gained access to a piece on the southeast side of my section I hunt tonight. Only problem guy said 2 other guys have had permission in the past. All of us have other ground to hunt on this section to. How do you guys go about corinating with the other guys so no one gets all upset or toes...
  12. Buckhunter92

    Big 6

    This fella isn't going to go for much score wise but hes very unique and would love to tag him and get the genes out of the pool
  13. Buckhunter92

    Dog days of summer

    Kind of an unplanned trip. Got home from work an asked the bride if she cared if I went fishing for the night. She said go for it i hooked up the boat and was on the road by 4. I was headed to one of the places that you just never know what your going to catch. There's been some absolute giants...
  14. Buckhunter92

    October 18th buck

    I'm start out by saying I've followed this forum for many years and been in just awe of how you guys get it done year after year what an accomplishment. This piece of property that I hunt is 13 acres of crp and 10 of timber and owned by my in-laws. It's set up perfect as the neighbors property...