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  1. C

    Chasing Junior...

    Sorry guys, I just got the picture to upload... I have been getting a 503 error overtime i try to respond to a PM or post. As far as the first shot, i just shot him a little forward and a touch high, as I learned from the previous pictures. The arrow was not still in him when i killed him but...
  2. C

    Chasing Junior...

    Going to keep this short and sweet because I have a lot of work to catch up on due to this guy... Shot Junior the evening of Nov 7th and ended up not recovering him. He disappeared for several weeks and i eventually found where he relocated to. He was obviously injured pretty bad and wasn't...
  3. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    No, the first picture i got of him showed a big swollen, infected area on his right shoulder. He was not seen on camera for almost 2 weeks and had lost a bunch of weight. I believe the weight loss was from being ill, not the rut. I do not believe he would be fighting with his injury.
  4. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    Hoosierhunter, i shoot a G5 Striker, which I think is a 1 1/8 fixed blade.
  5. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    The first pick shows the entry hole. The arrow never exited, it lodged in the top of his scapula. And I am not gun hunting but i plan on finishing what i started and getting the answers!
  6. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    First picture is entry, second is exit. I shot him on his left side, elevated in a tree. That shows the angle that the arrow traveled.
  7. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    Horsedoctor, what say you?
  8. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    20' up and a 20 yard shot...?
  9. C

    Junior is back... Shot Nov - 7th

    I told the story of Junior on a previous thread and explained how i remembered the arrow striking him on the evening of the 7th. I never did recover him and most of you guys said he would show back up, and you were correct. But after seeing the pictures of him, I'm still a little confused! So i...
  10. C

    My biggest Bow Kill to date

    Great story. It is amazing what these animals can teach us during the "journey".
  11. C

    Questionable hit

    Hoping to get back on him here in the next week or so. He has definitely taken it as a lesson and completely changed his routine. I have my work cut out for me. Ill keep you guys posted.
  12. C

    Questionable hit

    Just wanted to give everyone an update. I FINALLY got pictures of the deer that I shot on the 7th... He was back on camera the 19th and the 23rd. As i feared, i hit him high shoulder, 2/3rds the way up. By the look of the wound, i am surprised i didn't spine him. 2" back and i would have double...
  13. C

    Questionable hit

    You could very well be correct. I am hoping to get pictures of him again and I will keep you guy updated.
  14. C

    Questionable hit

    Any ideas on what bone the arrow hit? Interested to hear your theory with your experience. My theory is that there are only 2 bones big enough to bring the arrow to a halt. Spine and scapula. I've hit them in the spine before, they don't go far =) But i am shocked that i could hit the far...
  15. C

    Questionable hit

    Pretty tough flesh to bring an arrow traveling 285 ft per sec to a stop!
  16. C

    Questionable hit

    Hey guys, Saturday, Nov 7th, I was able to release an arrow on the buck that i have been chasing for the last 2 years. Unfortunately that is the only good part of the story... The deer showed himself at last light and presented a 22 yards broadside / quartering away shot. He might have been 10...
  17. C

    What Would You Do?

    Only you can make the decision, and only "if" the opportunity arises. I can tell you from experience, they don't always make it or grow from year to year... I found the sheds off of a really good one a few years ago and counted down the days until i could put cameras out. Long story short, i...
  18. C

    Ben's first buck

    Congrats! He will put many of grown me to shame with that buck!!!
  19. C

    Ty's Quest for Captain Hook

    Beautiful buck!
  20. C

    B's first buck !

    Congrats!!! With any luck, the shaking knee syndrome will be something he looks forward to forever! I still shake everytime I shoot one.