Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. L

    After work hunts...

    i do allot of after work hunts i have scent lock and i keep all my stuff in a tote i spray down everything i was out last night i saw five differant deer but no shooters i get out about 3 to 4 times during the week i have a very understanding wife haha
  2. L

    Movement times?

    things were really slow up till this past week i seen two shooters and a fair amount of small bucks when do you think the rut will start i hope the end of this week i have off mon. tue and wed.
  3. L

    Trail cam Survey

    i like the stealth also i got good pics from it
  4. L

    How old are you????

    well i am 50 soon to be 51 but when im hunting in the timber i feel 18 again i hope that never changes
  5. L

    Snow cover and shed hunting

    i was out sunday southern iowa not much snow but alot of water only found one nice shed
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