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  1. N

    How big?

    A section would be fantastic. 640 acres with no direct neighbors, only roads on the boundaries and I'd be plenty happy.
  2. N

    When can i spray pines????????????

    You could spray Select/Arrow over them this coming spring if you are only trying to eliminate grass competition.
  3. N


    Have you planted WGF sorghum in the past? Did it get as high or was it closer to the advertised 24-30 inches? I tried a few different combinations with egyptian wheat, WGF sorghum, and browntop millet this year. My WGF is 36-48 inches tall. If I would have known it'd do this well, I might...
  4. N

    Earwig Attack

    I had about 50 take refuge in my mailbox of all places. Now I'm down to about 1-3 that are always there.
  5. N

    Cop/saved fawn faces jail

    All the things he's supposed to do - except have a fear of people. :thrwrck: As noble as the cause originally was, they should not have kept the fawn. Turning it over to a rehabilitater right away would have been best.
  6. N


    It would seem to me that if the switchgrass is pushing out new growth already, it's too late to use Roundup on it unless you want to risk killing what is growing. I sprayed last week here in MI and due to weather, don't think I am going to get a good kill (lots and lots of rain - 6 days later...
  7. N


    Phragmites sp?
  8. N

    Arbor Day Foundation Trees?

    I got their 10 for $10 flowering trees package earlier this year. It was pretty pathetic. :mad: It had 5 varieties in the package. They sent out the package quite late IMO - arrived in late June for some reason. For every variety there was one that has some ok root mass and one that was the...
  9. N


    That is encouraging to see! I planted 3 acres of previous cow pasture and did so in a similar fashion - no previous year prep, no atrazine since it's restricted here in MI and I couldn't get a hold of any, etc. So far this year I've seem some growth here and there, but it's not terribly...
  10. N


    Clover does not need to stratify like some other seeds so sowing it in the fall will work just fine. Many actually recommend it as there is less weed competition in the fall with proper preparation. You might want to consider using a nurse crop - I'm sure this has been covered somewhere within...
  11. N

    Miscanthus x Gianteus

    Anyone know if these plants can handling growing near black walnuts? I have an east woodline where these might be nice to use as a screen, but there are a few BW in the vicinity.
  12. N


    If they are indeed bald, seeding would probably be a good idea. FWIW, I did some general frost seeding broadcasting of clover and a little later on did some additional seeding and pressed it into the soil. The seed that was pressed into the soil germinated much quicker and seemingly fuller than...
  13. N


    What is the mixture in Covey Rise? Perhaps there are more seeds per pound in it and spacing should not be dense? My second thought - PF seems to like annual weeds in plots (for example, they always seem to recommend leaving a plot alone the year after and just letting the weeds fill it in.). I...
  14. N


    FWIW, with respects to figuring out how late is too late to spray your new switch seeding, perhaps some indoor test seedings would help? I planted a few pots with switch grass and kept it in a cool (poorly heated - closed the heat ducts), but slightly sunny room in my basement (walkout FWIW)...
  15. N

    Closer/sooner than hoped

    Anyone know where to purchase EB? Here in MI my ash have been devastated. It's depressing to see so many nice large trees completely dead. I have been cutting down some of the large ones that are left to send up stump shoots. The bark on the young trees aren't as conducive to the larva as...
  16. N

    Cave in Rock switch grass for $4.50 a pound

    Thanks for helping to confirm that the price was too good to be true. I've been kicking myself for having ordered through Welter for ~3 times as much. I feel better now ... though it is a let down and I would have bought more(!).
  17. N


    I have planted pumpkins for deer before. I did it in a similar fashion to the post before me; I'd plant them in a garden and feed them a little at a time as the year progressed. As mentioned, they might not require as much care as most would think. I would typically weed until the vines covered...
  18. N

    food plot

    If there is something worth mowing, then there's probably something worth spraying. I'd suggest getting a sprayer, killing what is left in the field and broadcasting your clover and rye later this summer to insure that the rye stays attractive for hunting season.
  19. N


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: huntyak</div><div class="ubbcode-body">DBLTREE...CAN ONE FROST SEED SUCCESSFULLY OVER SAY A PLOT THAT HAS ALOT OF LEAVES OVER IT, SAY IN A HIDDEN TMBER PLOT? IT IS ONE THAT IS ALREADY ESTABLISHED. THANKS. </div></div>...
  20. N

    Frost Seed Fertilizer

    To truly know what to apply for fertilizer you should have a soil test done. If you are expecting a lot of weed competition, you might want to hold off on fertilizing until you get it under control. If you're in the clear, I can't think of why you couldn't apply it at the same time you seed.