Well-Known Member
This morning I went out in hopes of filling a doe tag... little did I know what would be in store for me.
At day light the turkeys were going ballistic. Being the Turkey Whisperer that I am I gave them some sweet music and in no time I had them landing all around me clucking and gobbling. It was pretty awesome. Eventually I got a shot at a hen, but undershot her.
I was pretty ticked off at myself for blowing such an easy shot, but got knocked back up and kept purring and cackling 25 feet up in the stand. In no time I had another group come flying in and one just happened to land 25 yards away behind a tree, I drew back and when she stepped out... I let her have it! She went flopping off a little ways and died after popping the arrow out.
By this point I was pretty tickled and could still hear more turkeys in the distance so I kept calling and pretty soon a pile of jakes came boiling onto the scene. One walked behind the same tree and stopped at 20 yards. Ticked it off and he went off on a sprint only to pile up about 30 yards away, pretty sweet!
Having filled both of my turkey tags (first and second time I've ever shot a turkey in the fall with a bow and out of a treestand) I was pretty darn happy. I got down real quick and retrieved the turkeys and arrows and moved them out of the way. Not long after that a deer started coming my way, I got ready to shoot but when it stepped out from under the tree, I got an eyefull.
He was a pretty nice buck, but missing both brows and everything past his right G2. Be a dandy next year.
As he wandered off I got looking at my quiver, it had been a LONG time since it held only 3 arrows, I wondered what else may happen before I got down?
Not long after the buck left I heard excitement behind me, I turned and saw 5 deer running my way. It ended up being 5 lone fawns and when they got close they all bedded own... all of them except the very smallest doe fawn. She meandered towards me, closer and closer...
Eventually she passed right under me and went broadside at 10 yards. I'm not one to usually shoot fawns, but at that moment my stomach growled and I smoked her. A heart shot and she only went 40 yards and expired.
At this point I was down to my last arrow and my last tag. I knocked up and tucked in. 15 minutes later I had a pile of deer headed my way, it looked to be at least 3 adult does and several fawns as well as the earlier buck in tow. I got prepared for a shot and waited. The lead doe, and largest doe, hit the blood trail of the fawn and followed it right to me. At 10 yards I let her have it! She wheeled out of there and I heard her crash a moment later.
The empty Quiver!
I could HARDLY believe it, I had filled 4 tags, shot all my arrows, and finished the season in about 1.5 hours!! I could see all my arrows from the stand and could see all 4 animals as well, quite a fun hunt on PUBLIC land!!! I climbed down and took a few pics, the doe arrows were feet away from each other.
I went back to the truck to retrieve my camera and deer cart and got down to business. The second doe was gigantic, I mean a HORSE!! Which was nice because the fawn was about the size of a springer spaniel. It was all good, I don't know when I'll ever have such a great morning again!!
Let me tell you, that was one HARD cart out!! Really wished I had jmoose nearby, but I still managed!! Thought it was pretty cool that I shot all my arrows too, never done that before. 1 miss, 4 kills, putting me in the 80% category!!
At day light the turkeys were going ballistic. Being the Turkey Whisperer that I am I gave them some sweet music and in no time I had them landing all around me clucking and gobbling. It was pretty awesome. Eventually I got a shot at a hen, but undershot her.

I was pretty ticked off at myself for blowing such an easy shot, but got knocked back up and kept purring and cackling 25 feet up in the stand. In no time I had another group come flying in and one just happened to land 25 yards away behind a tree, I drew back and when she stepped out... I let her have it! She went flopping off a little ways and died after popping the arrow out.

By this point I was pretty tickled and could still hear more turkeys in the distance so I kept calling and pretty soon a pile of jakes came boiling onto the scene. One walked behind the same tree and stopped at 20 yards. Ticked it off and he went off on a sprint only to pile up about 30 yards away, pretty sweet!

Having filled both of my turkey tags (first and second time I've ever shot a turkey in the fall with a bow and out of a treestand) I was pretty darn happy. I got down real quick and retrieved the turkeys and arrows and moved them out of the way. Not long after that a deer started coming my way, I got ready to shoot but when it stepped out from under the tree, I got an eyefull.

He was a pretty nice buck, but missing both brows and everything past his right G2. Be a dandy next year.
As he wandered off I got looking at my quiver, it had been a LONG time since it held only 3 arrows, I wondered what else may happen before I got down?
Not long after the buck left I heard excitement behind me, I turned and saw 5 deer running my way. It ended up being 5 lone fawns and when they got close they all bedded own... all of them except the very smallest doe fawn. She meandered towards me, closer and closer...

Eventually she passed right under me and went broadside at 10 yards. I'm not one to usually shoot fawns, but at that moment my stomach growled and I smoked her. A heart shot and she only went 40 yards and expired.

At this point I was down to my last arrow and my last tag. I knocked up and tucked in. 15 minutes later I had a pile of deer headed my way, it looked to be at least 3 adult does and several fawns as well as the earlier buck in tow. I got prepared for a shot and waited. The lead doe, and largest doe, hit the blood trail of the fawn and followed it right to me. At 10 yards I let her have it! She wheeled out of there and I heard her crash a moment later.

The empty Quiver!

I could HARDLY believe it, I had filled 4 tags, shot all my arrows, and finished the season in about 1.5 hours!! I could see all my arrows from the stand and could see all 4 animals as well, quite a fun hunt on PUBLIC land!!! I climbed down and took a few pics, the doe arrows were feet away from each other.

I went back to the truck to retrieve my camera and deer cart and got down to business. The second doe was gigantic, I mean a HORSE!! Which was nice because the fawn was about the size of a springer spaniel. It was all good, I don't know when I'll ever have such a great morning again!!

Let me tell you, that was one HARD cart out!! Really wished I had jmoose nearby, but I still managed!! Thought it was pretty cool that I shot all my arrows too, never done that before. 1 miss, 4 kills, putting me in the 80% category!!