Well-Known Member
As a side note, Just heard on the Radio this Morn, the number one concern for the Iowa FB, is getting more immigration here for the Farm Labor market. Second, is probably still gettin rid of those Dang Deer!
As a side note, Just heard on the Radio this Morn, the number one concern for the Iowa FB, is getting more immigration here for the Farm Labor market. Second, is probably still gettin rid of those Dang Deer!
Who supports these crooks?!?! If you listen to anything they lobby for, it's the most "self centered" garbage that I guarantee they know is "wrong" deep down BUT it somehow puts their interests forward and a few more dollars their way. I don't blame them for lobbying for their own interests but I also don't blame the citizens of Iowa from trying to stop them every step of the way & vote out the crooked politicians that are in bed with them.
Who supports these crooks?!?! If you listen to anything they lobby for, it's the most "self centered" garbage that I guarantee they know is "wrong" deep down BUT it somehow puts their interests forward and a few more dollars their way. I don't blame them for lobbying for their own interests but I also don't blame the citizens of Iowa from trying to stop them every step of the way & vote out the crooked politicians that are in bed with them.
It's called politics. They do good things also, example: last week a district court judge in Carroll County ruled the State Electrical Board was over stepping its bounds requiring farmers to have all repairs and new installations to there facilities subject to inspections. It was just another way for a state/government entity to get our money and onto our property. Call/write Farm Bureau and let them know your stand on deer populations, they'll listen.
If your a law maker comparing the two interests of the state, deer hunting vs agriculture, you have to ask yourself what venue creates the most jobs, revenue ,over all good for our citizens as a whole? Hands down agriculture. Neither Farm Bureau or the State of Iowa is eliminating the herd just downsizing. I agree with everyone here the downsizing is too much but you can see how it has progressed to this point.
X2. I had typed up your application for head of Iowa Republican party but then realized you haven't been properly vetted yet soCitizens united was a crappy decision, we need to ban money and lobbyists. Voters should matter...not $.
No doubt we generate a large amount of revenue ourselves but not much compared to the ag sector. Our state does a tremendous job maintaining a good mature buck population with our limited gun seasons except the anterless late season, which has translated into our states reputation as the place to hunt. Folks like us will continue to hunt no matter how challenging and our big buck rep will continue to sell out of state tags. Just continue fighting the battle and we'll see what happens, it'll come back around our way eventually.
You might want to look into the amount of money that deer hunting brings in. The numbers may surprise you on the amount of revenue it brings in.
From: Ag articleThe DNR says deer hunting annually generates $137 million, has a $214 million economic impact and supports 2,838 jobs in Iowa. It also generates $15 million in federal tax revenue and another $14.7 million in state taxes, the department said.
.Production agriculture and ag-related industries directly and indirectly employ one of every six Iowans (or 17 percent of the state’s workforce), based on 2007 Census of Agriculture data. They also are responsible for adding $72.1 billion to the state’s economy, or 27 percent of the state’s total. This represents a 2 percent increase over a previous analysis using 2002 Census of Agriculture data.
Yes, but even smart farming and not raping low CSR ground, can be done without damaging habitat. It's gone too far...
How much ground do you own? Are you from California?