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Rejuvenated - Aggravated


I feel rejuvenated because I have these guys on my trail cam but they are coming at 1am and 5am in the morning. I'm aggravated because I have these dogs on my property. Any thoughts on what I can do to these dogs? I've asked owners of dogs several times to keep their dogs on their property! Any thoughts can I call the DNR will they do anything about it?
I hope the rut gets the bucks moving during daylight.

I sympathize on the dogs, been there and went the whole flow chart of response (stopped by to talk to them, called the sheriff, etc) which fell on deaf ears. It took drastic measures. :(
Trapping opens in a week buy snares set legally for coyotes. Just anchor well. This always works. Unfortunate that you have to do this. If you aren't the landowner make sure they are on board.
Really.... why would you take out someones dogs, over deer. That is getting out of hand if you ask me. Talk to the owners and go through the sheriff or CO. It is one thing to take out coyotes it is another to kill someones pet. It is only going to go bad or there are going to be hard feelings towards you. Trust me I know, I have shot a dog in self defense and it is crazy the emotions that owners can come up with. If you set traps specifically for them, I kind of hope the owners find out and you mess something up with the trapping laws.
Really.... why would you take out someones dogs, over deer. That is getting out of hand if you ask me. Talk to the owners and go through the sheriff or CO. It is one thing to take out coyotes it is another to kill someones pet. It is only going to go bad or there are going to be hard feelings towards you. Trust me I know, I have shot a dog in self defense and it is crazy the emotions that owners can come up with. If you set traps specifically for them, I kind of hope the owners find out and you mess something up with the trapping laws.

People that let their dogs run loose aren't going to do anything about it themselves and what the hell do you think the sheriff or the CO is going to do about it? People suck and it's not the dogs fault but there is really only one solution.
I wouldn't go to the extreme of shooting or harming someone's dogs. Here in Iowa it can become a felony charge of cruelty to animals. I would call the local animal control and have them take care of it. Save yourself the charge and money.

Yeah, I'm not real excited about hurting or killing someones dog. I sent the owner a message again asking them to keep their dogs in the house. Just told them that I was going to call the dnr or animal control to have them removed. I appreciate everyones comments.
Dogs have ruined my grandma's Louisa county farm. 220 acres you cannot even hunt due to dogs. The landowners won't do nothing. The sheriff visit did nothing. The Dnr said SSS if no collar. Hard to shoot a dog.
I think it comes down to responsibility. If you are going to be pet owner, do right for those animals. If they need exercise get off that potatoe chip crumb laden couch and take care of the matter. Same to be said for keeping them home, penned, and secured. It's sad but a unfortunate percentage of these people let their demon spawn from their loins run just as loose and unkept as the pets they keep. Now as a deer hunter it is our responsibility to provide a safe happy spot for the deer to frolic, grow mature and copulate for future generations hunting pleasures. Having these rogue canines sauntering through the woods makes the safe happy spot turn into a rocky spot that a seed will find no purchase. Wait until Jerry Springer is over, but before Wheel of Fortune starts and contact the owners. Tell them you understand that sometimes things just happen, dogs do get loose, but that they need to do their part, and after that first contact you have no idea how those 2 crushed lightbulbs got into that hamburger meat laying on the ground by your trail camera.
They get one free pass from me.. After that they take a dirt nap. No time for that BS. It's easy to feel bad but then you realize the pet owners really don't give $hit because if they did they would respect you and do something about it. SSS.
I would have a hard time shooting someone's dog, especially if it had a collar. However, some of the areas where I hunt are fairly close to the meskwaki settlement. Ask anyone in the Tama/Toledo area, they will all know what "settlement dogs" are. The run free and run in packs. I would not hesitate or feel bad at all to take out as many of those as possible given the chance. They've done some BAD stuff including killing livestock on different occasions. Different situation I realize but the point is that there is a time and a place.

I actually know for a fact the dogs have killed two fawns in the spring. One of my famers that I talk to says they dogs are killing fawns he caught them with one this spring and knows of others. I was thinking maybe a rubber tipped arrow might curve their appetite.
I actually know for a fact the dogs have killed two fawns in the spring. One of my famers that I talk to says they dogs are killing fawns he caught them with one this spring and knows of others. I was thinking maybe a rubber tipped arrow might curve their appetite.

Make sure you don't do something that would be obvious. Could a rubber tipped arrow penetrate? Then the dog goes home with an arrow sticking out of it......that would not be good.
I actually know for a fact the dogs have killed two fawns in the spring. One of my famers that I talk to says they dogs are killing fawns he caught them with one this spring and knows of others. I was thinking maybe a rubber tipped arrow might curve their appetite.

You would cry if you knew how many they actually kill, during that 1st month. Look how easy it is for us to walk around during the 1st week of june and find fawns. Now think about how much they are out there searching, once they get the taste. If they wont let you catch them and have no collars, kill them all.

Everyone knows how much cats kill and have no problem killing them. Uncontrolled dogs are WAY worse. Thats all they are out doing, night and day, chasing and killing.
My comments about trapping may sound cruel but I see no other option to a chronic dog problem. The last time we had a major problem I contacted the CO luckily he knew the owners and contacted them no change he is the one that suggested the snares. I also never trap within 1/2 mile of any homes. The places I have problems are large private farms not some 40 with houses around . I would not advocate the glass or poison as that is cruel and could have unintended damage to wild populations. But if that is the only option the coke and fly bait that people use for coons is about as deadly of a system as ever devised. I have been on both sides of this as my Chesapeake retriever was shot by a neighbor summer before last for harassing his elk in his enclosure. I never saw her out of the yard and was a pretty good dog. The kids learned a hard lesson about taking care of pets.
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