Iowa Boy At Heart
New Gear and Trip to Iowa
I wish I could say life has settled down, but it hasn't. Dealing with an estate from 1300 miles away is a royal pain in the butt. But we're making progress and that counts. In the middle of all of this, my wife dropped a nice surprise on me when she gave the go-ahead to use my pro deal and order the pair of Swarovski binos I've been wanting pretty hard since last January. Last week, I called Swaro and ordered my 15x56 HD SLCs for glassing while hunting. One of the most important lessons I've learned in my evolution as a western hunter is that good glass (TOP quality) on a solid tripod is a MUST. Yesterday, as I was leaving to take Sydney to soccer practice, I saw the FedEx truck stop at our house. Fortunately, my wife was home because it was a signature required delivery. In anticipation of them getting here, I'd already ordered the tripod adapter stud that goes on the front. I went home for lunch today and got them all squared up and ready to use!

My buddy that lives in Syd's deer unit called me earlier this week and was telling me about seeing 14 different bucks moving around his honey hole and we're getting excited to hunt there. Syd's eyes lit up pretty good, too. Even my wife is getting excited for her hunt! Because of our schedules here, I won't be doing as much scouting down there as I'd like and my buddy may not be available to hunt with us on opening day (Friday, Oct. 7). Our current plan is to head down on Sunday, October 2nd to spend the day with my buddy learning my way around that part of the unit so that I'm not totally stupid and blind (totally, I said) on opening morning. Then we'll head down after school on Oct 6th and get ready to find a buck!
On another note, my wife and I will be back in Newton on Saturday, Sept 24th to start clearing out my mom's house as it goes on the market. We're having an estate sale on Sunday, Sept 25th from 9am-4pm. After that, whatever isn't sold is getting donated to a local shelter, Good Will, Salvation Army, etc. before we leave to drive back in my mom's truck on Sept 28th or 29th. If any of you are around and want to come shop, I'll make you a helluva deal if you remind me who you are and that you're from IW! You can PM me for directions Seriously. Not even joking. There are "Estate Sale" ads under "Household Items" on Craigslist for Des Moines and Ames.
I wish I could say life has settled down, but it hasn't. Dealing with an estate from 1300 miles away is a royal pain in the butt. But we're making progress and that counts. In the middle of all of this, my wife dropped a nice surprise on me when she gave the go-ahead to use my pro deal and order the pair of Swarovski binos I've been wanting pretty hard since last January. Last week, I called Swaro and ordered my 15x56 HD SLCs for glassing while hunting. One of the most important lessons I've learned in my evolution as a western hunter is that good glass (TOP quality) on a solid tripod is a MUST. Yesterday, as I was leaving to take Sydney to soccer practice, I saw the FedEx truck stop at our house. Fortunately, my wife was home because it was a signature required delivery. In anticipation of them getting here, I'd already ordered the tripod adapter stud that goes on the front. I went home for lunch today and got them all squared up and ready to use!

My buddy that lives in Syd's deer unit called me earlier this week and was telling me about seeing 14 different bucks moving around his honey hole and we're getting excited to hunt there. Syd's eyes lit up pretty good, too. Even my wife is getting excited for her hunt! Because of our schedules here, I won't be doing as much scouting down there as I'd like and my buddy may not be available to hunt with us on opening day (Friday, Oct. 7). Our current plan is to head down on Sunday, October 2nd to spend the day with my buddy learning my way around that part of the unit so that I'm not totally stupid and blind (totally, I said) on opening morning. Then we'll head down after school on Oct 6th and get ready to find a buck!
On another note, my wife and I will be back in Newton on Saturday, Sept 24th to start clearing out my mom's house as it goes on the market. We're having an estate sale on Sunday, Sept 25th from 9am-4pm. After that, whatever isn't sold is getting donated to a local shelter, Good Will, Salvation Army, etc. before we leave to drive back in my mom's truck on Sept 28th or 29th. If any of you are around and want to come shop, I'll make you a helluva deal if you remind me who you are and that you're from IW! You can PM me for directions Seriously. Not even joking. There are "Estate Sale" ads under "Household Items" on Craigslist for Des Moines and Ames.