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Iowa city deer hunt.

Sounds like people that want to urban hunt need to attend the next meeting to voice their opinion.
Sounds like people that want to urban hunt need to attend the next meeting to voice their opinion.

It won’t matter, their mind is made up and anybody for an urban hunt would be called as the minority.

When White Buffalo sharp shoots, the meat is processed for the local food bank. Are they going to test for CWD?

https://www.iowa-city.org/weblink/0/edoc/1856611/2019-03-12 COMPLETE.pdf
Above is the link for the last Iowa City Council meeting. Pages 244-245 are about the City’s dealings with the NRC.

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If you want to spend $100, you can join Harvest Preserve to access their ground. Big herd with some decent bucks I’ve seen from the road. Not sure I’d tell them you wanna shed hunt, though.

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Sounds like the DNR really isnt wanting to give them any other option than the proven method. Urban bow hunting has worked well in all the Cities that have implemented them and the DNR makes money selling tags.
I caught the news story on KCRG last night. One of the councilpeople (How do you like my gender neutral reference?) complained about a group that is lobbying for hunting. Well, there isn't a mechanism for the Natural Resources Commission to be lobbied. It isn't the legislature, it is 7 people appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate. The Commission is gender balanced and party balanced by rule.

If by "lobbied" he means concerned CITIZENS contacting the Commissioners then he should not use the term lobbied. That denotes that a group or groups are paying a professional lobbyist to promote their cause and agenda. It just doesn't work that way.

I read the letter that was linked by JNRBRONC. If you care to read it the two pager is clear at the very end of the document so be ready to scroll through some stuff. In that letter Iowa City states they followed the NRC's recommendation to get input from the citizens (remember IC is a sanctuary city so you don't have to be a citizen of the city or the county or the state or even the nation to comment). Anybody in the area ever see this?

Also in the letter it discusses sterilization of deer and how the NRC passed rules preventing the practice. I've always wondered about that and now I know. Look for legislation to be introduced, maybe yet this year with some political horseplay it can still be done, by Representative Mary Mascher and Senator Joe Bolkum in regards to making laws that would allow it. Once again an effort to chip away at the NRC and DNR's ability to manage hunting.

I moved to Iowa City in 1978 to attend the University of Iowa as a nontraditional student. I went to an orientation session and the person (again gender neutral) said "Welcome to Iowa City, the mecca of liberalism in the Midwest". Truer words were never spoken.
Does Iowa City get shed hunted pretty hard?

I believe all of the University land would be open to shed hunting. There are a lot of deer around Carver Hawkeye and back toward the golf course. They have a lot of ground on the west side between Melrose, Mormon Track, Camp Cardinal Road, the railroad tracks and 1st Ave. A map of the campus and some google earth might help.
As does the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, but with Iowa City being the voting base, anybody without a D next to their name on the ballot doesn’t stand a chance.

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The last Republican I can remember is Sherriff Gary Hughes.
Most deer die from the stress if you try to relocate them or sterilize them, according to what I have read.
Urban bow hunting absolutely works. It has been successful in many areas. Polk/Dallas has been holding a hunt for 20 years. The numbers show it works - at least in the areas where it is allowed. But, if I had a contract like that on the line, I might argue against it as well.

There are some important differences. Baiting isn't allowed like sharpshooting. It costs the cities almost nothing. It raises funds for the DNR. It can be done in areas where guns are not allowed. But, this argument isn't about logic, it is about money and feelings.
White Buffalo says there are 10,000 deer in Iowa City? Sounds like they need the nuclear option. Oh wait, Iowa City is a nuclear weapon free zone. Jeez, Iowa City just can't catch a break.

Seriously, 10,000 deer in Iowa City? I'd ask for a recount. Wikipedia says Iowa City is 25.28 square miles. That's almost 400 deer per square mile. Sounds like Iowa City needs to apply for a CAFO permit.

I have the perfect solution, they could put a fence around Iowa City and call it a deer farm. I'm sure they have a few sanctuary citizen that have climbed tall fences before.

Now that I'm triggered, how can the citizens of Iowa City sleep at night? If bow hunting is cruel, picture this: Bambi and her two sisters are with their extended family group contentedly eating from a large pile of fresh corn. She looks up and sees her great grandma chewing a mouth full of corn, so is auntie, great auntie, all of her cousins, nieces and nephews are eating the yellow gold. Momma is beside her chewing noisily. Bambi is so happy to be in the bosom of her family, safe from harm with bellies that are getting full. She looks once again at great grandma and sighs, content in knowing they are safe and well fed, it doesn't get any better than this.

Bambi dips into the pile of corn again and looks up, her big brown eyes meet her great grandma's, then she sees her great grandmas head explode. Bambi cocks her head to one side and looks at her mother for guidance, Bambi watches as her mother's head explodes. Bambi doesn't know what to do, the other deer are still eating but getting nervous, then grandma's head explodes, then her sibling goes down in a heap; blood and brains gushing. Bambi is confused and terrified, all of her family is laying motionless on the ground, she sees empty holes where once there were faces she had known all of her life. Bambi runs off, her small child like mind trying to comprehend what she had just seen.

Bambi is traumatized for life. All because Iowa City hired snipers to kill her family. Poor Bambi. Poor poor Bambi. I ask again, how can the citizens of Iowa City sleep at night knowing that by hiring sharpshooters they caused Bambi terrible sadness and inflicted such sever emotional pain that Bambi will never again run and frolic as she once did.

Now picture this, a bowhunter buys a tag for an Iowa City urban hunt. He drives his car with 4 space saving spare tires in the trunk to his area. He walks to his elevated stand and checks for sabotage. Seeing none he climbs up to his perch to wait, hoping the wind stays correct so any deer coming down the trail won't smell the protestors who are sure to show up. He hopes this time the police can keep them away and his tires don't get slashed again.

After what seemed forever it was that magical time all bowhunters love, the sun has slowly slipped and is hanging just above the horizon, the wind is right, he doesn't hear any cow bells being rung by protestors and then he sees them, the family group from the area, three big does, some yearlings and some fawns. They are coming right to him, just as he had planed. The group is about 50 yards out when all of a sudden the big horse faced doe at the back of the string goes on alert. The group stops, all on high alert, noses in the air, tails up, legs stomping. Then the big doe lets out a snort and all he hunter sees are tails going the wrong way. What happened? Everything was in the hunters favor, wind, sun, concealment, everything. Hunting happened. Sometimes you just don't know why deer do what they do. So all the citizens of Iowa City are sleeping soundly knowing their 10,000 deer are safe. Still incredibly over populated but safe. Bambi was not traumatized by seeing her family blown away. It's all about the feelings.

So how about our hunter? After the mass of tails thundered off he made sure all of his straps were tight and climbed down from his ladder stand. He was happy that no protestors had tried to harass him or interfere with his hunt. He got to his car and saw all 4 tires had air. He went home knowing that tomorrow would be the day he killed a deer by fair chase.

So Iowa City, which scenario would you like? Bambi witnessing her family's heads explode or the family group beating the hunter?

Bowhunting, the less cruel, more cost effective way to control 10,000 deer. If there are indeed 10,000 deer in Iowa City.
White Buffalo says there are 10,000 deer in Iowa City? Sounds like they need the nuclear option. Oh wait, Iowa City is a nuclear weapon free zone. Jeez, Iowa City just can't catch a break.

Seriously, 10,000 deer in Iowa City? I'd ask for a recount. Wikipedia says Iowa City is 25.28 square miles. That's almost 400 deer per square mile. Sounds like Iowa City needs to apply for a CAFO permit.

I have the perfect solution, they could put a fence around Iowa City and call it a deer farm. I'm sure they have a few sanctuary citizen that have climbed tall fences before.

Now that I'm triggered, how can the citizens of Iowa City sleep at night? If bow hunting is cruel, picture this: Bambi and her two sisters are with their extended family group contentedly eating from a large pile of fresh corn. She looks up and sees her great grandma chewing a mouth full of corn, so is auntie, great auntie, all of her cousins, nieces and nephews are eating the yellow gold. Momma is beside her chewing noisily. Bambi is so happy to be in the bosom of her family, safe from harm with bellies that are getting full. She looks once again at great grandma and sighs, content in knowing they are safe and well fed, it doesn't get any better than this.

Bambi dips into the pile of corn again and looks up, her big brown eyes meet her great grandma's, then she sees her great grandmas head explode. Bambi cocks her head to one side and looks at her mother for guidance, Bambi watches as her mother's head explodes. Bambi doesn't know what to do, the other deer are still eating but getting nervous, then grandma's head explodes, then her sibling goes down in a heap; blood and brains gushing. Bambi is confused and terrified, all of her family is laying motionless on the ground, she sees empty holes where once there were faces she had known all of her life. Bambi runs off, her small child like mind trying to comprehend what she had just seen.

Bambi is traumatized for life. All because Iowa City hired snipers to kill her family. Poor Bambi. Poor poor Bambi. I ask again, how can the citizens of Iowa City sleep at night knowing that by hiring sharpshooters they caused Bambi terrible sadness and inflicted such sever emotional pain that Bambi will never again run and frolic as she once did.

Now picture this, a bowhunter buys a tag for an Iowa City urban hunt. He drives his car with 4 space saving spare tires in the trunk to his area. He walks to his elevated stand and checks for sabotage. Seeing none he climbs up to his perch to wait, hoping the wind stays correct so any deer coming down the trail won't smell the protestors who are sure to show up. He hopes this time the police can keep them away and his tires don't get slashed again.

After what seemed forever it was that magical time all bowhunters love, the sun has slowly slipped and is hanging just above the horizon, the wind is right, he doesn't hear any cow bells being rung by protestors and then he sees them, the family group from the area, three big does, some yearlings and some fawns. They are coming right to him, just as he had planed. The group is about 50 yards out when all of a sudden the big horse faced doe at the back of the string goes on alert. The group stops, all on high alert, noses in the air, tails up, legs stomping. Then the big doe lets out a snort and all he hunter sees are tails going the wrong way. What happened? Everything was in the hunters favor, wind, sun, concealment, everything. Hunting happened. Sometimes you just don't know why deer do what they do. So all the citizens of Iowa City are sleeping soundly knowing their 10,000 deer are safe. Still incredibly over populated but safe. Bambi was not traumatized by seeing her family blown away. It's all about the feelings.

So how about our hunter? After the mass of tails thundered off he made sure all of his straps were tight and climbed down from his ladder stand. He was happy that no protestors had tried to harass him or interfere with his hunt. He got to his car and saw all 4 tires had air. He went home knowing that tomorrow would be the day he killed a deer by fair chase.

So Iowa City, which scenario would you like? Bambi witnessing her family's heads explode or the family group beating the hunter?

Bowhunting, the less cruel, more cost effective way to control 10,000 deer. If there are indeed 10,000 deer in Iowa City.
Such a tearful write up:(:D
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