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PH Outdoors


Well-Known Member
Just saw this on Winke's channel. Interesting the split from RTP Outdoors.

Paul Hollis, formerly Executive Vice President of Redexim North America/RTP Outdoors, recently announced the launch of his new company PH Outdoors. "I'm excited to take on this challenge and to develop the new company," ...

Paul said they have a redesigned packing wheel that fixes the bearing issue. Only complaint I've had with the genesis. They fix that and I'd recommend highly.
The ground drive wheel seems like it would cut into the ground. A little odd compared to the tire tread design that’s most common.
Question: Why don’t they build one of these with a NWSG box option? I’ve been wanting to pull the trigger on one of these for a few yrs now, but I just can’t justify it until they add tat as an option. Admittedly, I’m not knowledgeable on drills at all, my current rig is a 3 row planter behind a small, 38hp JD 4100 with AWD. Works like a dream on my Corn, Beans, Sorghum plots, but I’ve wanted a drill that “does it all” that my tractor can handle for a looong time. Also, agree with Bassattackr, that sprocket looking ground drive wheel seems odd…if ground was somewhat loose/soft/“fluffy” at all, would it just cut thru without turning at the proper rate?
Question: Why don’t they build one of these with a NWSG box option? I’ve been wanting to pull the trigger on one of these for a few yrs now, but I just can’t justify it until they add tat as an option. Admittedly, I’m not knowledgeable on drills at all, my current rig is a 3 row planter behind a small, 38hp JD 4100 with AWD. Works like a dream on my Corn, Beans, Sorghum plots, but I’ve wanted a drill that “does it all” that my tractor can handle for a looong time. Also, agree with Bassattackr, that sprocket looking ground drive wheel seems odd…if ground was somewhat loose/soft/“fluffy” at all, would it just cut thru without turning at the proper rate?
I haven’t run a RTP drill but i Also wondered why they don’t have a small seed box.
Native boxes are rare. Generally only Great Plains, truax, crustbuster & couple others. I have to have a native box but most people don’t.

Lot of revues & feedback on RTP …. Seems really good. And lower cost than Great Plains. BUT…. I do love my Great Plains!!!!! 3 boxes & by far and away- way better than every other drill I’ve ran or owned. Which would be every brand except maybe RTP. I still have truax, Deere, case IH, Tye & few others. Great Plains by a long shot vs others I’ve had or run.
There’s a small seed box option with the PH. Could still use for switch.
Yep, but man…you should see the results of my 13 acres of 1st yr switch using an atv broadcast spreader. Unreal. Much of it over 5’ already. Small seed boxes are great, but a box that can handle bearded seeds is a non-negotiable for me. Been wayyy too many instances over the yrs when I wanted to plant wildflowers, big/little bluestem, Indian, etc. and had to find a drill, a guys with a tractor big enough, etc. There is a small atv pull-behind drill called do-drop or maybe dew-drop that I think is mfg’d in Iowa.

I’ve given that some consideration in the past, but it’s so tiny…would take forever to do very many acres, but would be ideal for smaller fields and wildflower patches.
There’s a small seed box option with the PH. Could still use for switch.
SMALL SEED BOX: brassicas, clover, alfalfa, switch & any small hard seed u think of!!!! So handy!!!!
Or - let’s say u planting rye, oats & peas with clovers & radish!!!! 2 boxes come in fantastic!!!!!!
Don't need a small seed box. Works perfectly fine with extreme accuracy on planting rate.

Example switchgrass planting.

Edit: if planting multiple size seeds as skip mentioned it would be handy.

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Our Gen 5 (heavy version) has worked flawlessly for the past 3 seasons. Curious if anyone has experience with the small/fluffy seed box attachment.

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Listened to the Higgins podcast with Paul H, sounds like RTP just wanted out of the food plot drill business.

The updates seem to all be good ideas. I like the new drive wheel. No experience with the genesis tire drive wheels but my Esch no till drill has a somewhat similar spiked steel drive wheel (a bit larger toothed) that works very well. Zero concerns about slipping or skipping with that setup. [Edit: re-read @Marty Edwards post about the drive wheel in fluffy soil and I could see this new one being a downgrade in that soil condition but it's hard to say without first hand experience. I'd guess most guys aren't buying a genesis to plant into fluffy soil but that doesn't mean there aren't times when a field gets worked before being drilled still]

These Genesis/PH drills have a lot going for them but now @ what looks like $17k base price for a g5 with no small seed box and then wanting $3kish for adding a small seed box, they are getting pretty out there on price. For me, most plots planted are diverse blends with large and small seeds. Being able to set the large box to plant 1"+ and not worry about burying your small seeds too deep seems like a better mousetrap than planting a blend shallow and hoping you don't have exposed seeds when there are uneven spots in the ground or worry about seed separation in the large hopper.
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I believe PH is working on a seed box for natives.

I heard them mention that on the higgins podcast. The listed prices I've seen for adding small seedbox to a g5 is like $3500 installed. A native seed box should cost more. They are more expensive than a great plains or land pride configured similarly these days.
Agree, I don't see the draw to this brand anymore. Maybe lower weight for smaller tractors.. 3P606NT is pretty stout (65 HP Min I believe)

I think a lot of people compare a genesis directly to the no-till great plains even though most run them in a configuration that is more comparable to the great plains min-till drills (3p500, 3p600) which can be had with a small seed box for less $ than the genesis without a small seed box.

Grant woods, the Druries, Higgins, etc pitching them and marketing towards hunters with NDA, trade shows, etc compared to great plains advising against using their min-till drills as no-till are on opposite ends of the spectrum for what causes hunters to buy them.

The compact nature and calibration on the genesis does seem like a real upside. I've seen people say that they do better with end drive wheel than center drive wheel on side hills but heard the opposite for direction of travel elevation changes, don't know from experience.
I heard them mention that on the higgins podcast. The listed prices I've seen for adding small seedbox to a g5 is like $3500 installed. A native seed box should cost more. They are more expensive than a great plains or land pride configured similarly these days.
GP 606nt is 25k with 2 boxes. 32k with native box. Still significantly more money than RTP from pricing I've seen
GP 606nt is 25k with 2 boxes. 32k with native box. Still significantly more money than RTP from pricing I've seen
agree on the above with the pricing, however pay close attention and you can usually find pretty decent stuff at a percentage of the price.

I bought this year off of Facebook nothing special a practically brand new 606 NT 3 point w/ small box no native (which I do believe to be a positive on the three-point because of the weight and leverage) for 15k.

So at the end of the day to have a practically brand new Great plains for less than the brand new genesis is a no-brainer....


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GP 606nt is 25k with 2 boxes. 32k with native box. Still significantly more money than RTP from pricing I've seen

Wow, prices keep climbing. I feel like this spring pull type 606s were running $22-24k but maybe I’m misremembering. Even the 3p606 looks to be going for $22k.. I know they were available for $17k last summer with small seed box. Add coulters, wheel kit, and an installed small seed box to a G5 to be apples to apples with a 606NT and it’s at least as expensive. That's my point, Land pride / Great plains make a "min till" drill that is more aligned with the genesis drills without coulters IMO and they are less expensive than a g5. I bought an unused but older model year Land Pride 3p600 with small seed box last week that was listed on TractorHouse for $11.2k. New price with small seed box seems to be low $15s.

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Wow, prices keep climbing. I feel like this spring pull type 606s were running $22-24k but maybe I’m misremembering. Even the 3p606 looks to be going for $22k.. I know they were available for $17k last summer with small seed box. Add coulters, wheel kit, and an installed small seed box to a G5 to be apples to apples with a 606NT and it’s at least as expensive. That's my point, Land pride / Great plains make a "min till" drill that is more aligned with the genesis drills without coulters IMO and they are less expensive than a g5. I bought an unused but older model year Land Pride 3p600 with small seed box last week that was listed on TractorHouse for $11.2k. New price with small seed box seems to be low $15s.

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Basically no one runs the wheel kit on the RTP. Most people that buy the front coulters take them off. Prolly approaching 1,000 acres planted on my G5 and it's def no till, not min till. 5' RTP with small seed box can be had for 18k. 3p606nt 22k. I'm not gonna tell anyone that RTP is better than GP. It's not. But there is a cost difference. RTP does have a better calibration system imo. My next drill will be GP pull type.
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