Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Buckscrape

  1. Buckscrape

    Free tree buckets.

    Just make sure you get paid for the dirt ... the most expensive thing in Iowa! ;)
  2. Buckscrape

    God has blessed America.

    Nah, he's a prick just like Trudeau Sr. was.
  3. Buckscrape

    God has blessed America.

    Trudeau isn't MY leader ... that fool has just about ruined Canada. And ya, those lockdowns were criminal if you ask me.
  4. Buckscrape

    God has blessed America.

    He wants to implement 25 percent tariffs on all Canadian imports. Trade with Canada is around 400+ billion/yr, both ways. Can't imagine what that would do to costs. Says he's concerned about drugs and illegal immigrants crossing from Canada into the US and these tariffs will help stop that ...
  5. Buckscrape

    God has blessed America.

    Speaking as a Canadian. If Trump is representing what most Americans think, I'm not sure what to make of our (Canadians) relationship with Americans. I'm actually puzzled and quite concerned with his tactics at the moment.
  6. Buckscrape

    My dad shot an old warrior

    Very nice! Great memories made, for sure. By the looks of the entrance and exit wounds, that deer has a hole in his heart! Awesome!
  7. Buckscrape

    2024-25 Team Contest Score Thread(Teams):

    I'm glad he got that buck too! 'Cause now we can use his doe for my spot. Season is over here and I didn't connect on the buck I was hoping for .
  8. Buckscrape

    Cull buck pics

    I'm not sure if I've ever taken a "cull" buck. But there has been a couple times where I've had two 5 or 6 yr olds and I targeted the smaller antlered one, hoping that the other buck grows an even bigger set in the future. Some people might be able to tell at 3 yrs what a buck's potential is...
  9. Buckscrape

    Cull buck pics

    So, at 5.5 he's old enough, that's for sure. Good luck!
  10. Buckscrape

    Great looking youngster.

    Looks like there's definitely a ton of potential there!
  11. Buckscrape

    Great looking youngster.

    Little did I know that the name of my cam in the first picture, (your average looking 2.5 yr old), would come true for this buck 5 yrs later.
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