Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by coop1

  1. coop1

    New Lone Wolf seat

    Has anybody bought and used the new custom seat for the alpha? $60 sounds a little pricey to me and wanted to see if it is worth it. I am currently using a gorilla seat on mine and looking for change.
  2. coop1

    Whats the deal with this guy?

    Tick Rub?!?!?!?! I have spent a lot of time thinking about the bald spots on bucks and have asked this question to multiple people over the years and I have gotten varied answers. Tick rub is the most plausible answer I have ever heard. I know the bucks we kill, 90% of them anyway, do not...
  3. coop1

    Alternatives to the LW seat cushion

    The Muddy seat looks comparable to the Gorilla and is a little cheaper to boot. Does anyone know if it fits the LW? jjohson, what kind of deal do you have on their harness? The only reason I ask is that you have a little better price on the seat than they do on their website.
  4. coop1

    Alternatives to the LW seat cushion

    A couple of years ago I switched to the LW hang on and love it as far as noise goes. It is absolutely silent even in low temps and I like the idea of having one stand with my trees ready to go. The system would have saved me big $ over the years. The only issue I have with the stand is the...
  5. coop1

    New Lone Wolf Seat

    I picked up a new LW Alpha this year but because of domestic problems, I have not had a chance to hunt but 1 morning. I have concentrated on getting all my rut stands hung. How is the new seat for all day sits? I am taking a couple of weeks off next month and did not want to get through the...
  6. coop1


    This guy needs the air let out of 'em on the left. He's at least 6 years old cause we've been seeing him for that long. Always been a straight 6. My brother killed his daddy 3 years ago cause he was a 7 pointer and had a big fork on one side as well.
  7. coop1

    help changing avatar

    Thanks for the help JNRBRONC. My brother got it changed for me.
  8. coop1

    double mainbeam/split base

    Thanks Muddy. I don't know that much about resizing and uploading pics.
  9. coop1

    help changing avatar

    it says it is 583 KB.
  10. coop1

    double mainbeam/split base

    Just getting the cams out for this year. I have never seen this charateristic in any of our bucks before. It looks as though the base is split and the upper split/brow is trying to form another and smaller mainbeam.
  11. coop1


    I have been looking at getting some Prdator camo and I know you all have used alot of it. The price for the bucksuede they have on their website is really low. Have any of you used that type of material? If so, let me know what you think about it.
  12. coop1


  13. coop1

    help changing avatar

    I have been able to click on the box next to the change I want and get the pic in the box next to the browse button but when I click submit but the pic for the avatar does not change. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  14. coop1

    Advice From Bowhunters

    thank ya'll
  15. coop1

    Advice From Bowhunters

    Hello all. I am in the market for a new bow. This will be the first bow I have ever owned or bought. So, I am looking at the Diamond Black Ice and the Bear "the truth" bow. I have heard good things about both, with more along the side of the Bowtech. Wondering if any of you guys or gals have...
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