Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by CrabClawDude

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    Covert Cameras

    On the MP6 The sensor is pretty hairy! I would go into the settings and turn your sensor to Low or normal if it is not already ...this should fix that problem and still be plenty fast to catch any critters:) Any other questions dont be afraid to ask!
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    Class act - wing supply

    Wing supply always has great prices and ya can never go wrong with buying a MP6 or 4:)
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    Probably be too much for what your looking for...and also twice the price of a 501 =/ Ill be sticking with my 701's :)
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    Opinions? Fast Attractant for Deer pics & inventory

    bb2 or monsteraxx spray attractants!( the new "bear" attractant works well for whitetails too btw:) Check em out...monsterraxx.com
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    2012 Trail Cams Choices

    Coverts all the way! Cheap, good quality, lots of features and affordable!:D
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    G5 t3 or rage 2 blade

    rage 2 blade!
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    Any one have this camera?

    There was a major recall on the edge series not sure if the one you have has a problem or not though...you may want to contact covert!
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