Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Darrin

  1. Darrin

    New bow purchase at Scheels

    I have no direct experience with them, but from what I’ve heard they’re fine. I would, however, recommend going to an actual archery shop before a big box store if you have the option. Especially if you’re close to Altoona or can make a road trip. Archery Field & Sports is top notch. I do all my...
  2. Darrin

    Tracking dog

    I have no idea what's typical, but I paid 250 last year. 200 refunded if the dog didn't find it and I did within 48 hours.
  3. Darrin

    Trail cam pictures of arrow impact on Nov 5th buck

    I hit one back there only going in at the opposite angle a few years ago. Hit the femoral artery which supplies all the blood to the rear. Not ideal, but it does put them down quick.
  4. Darrin

    Trail cam pictures of arrow impact on Nov 5th buck

    I had plans to use one of the painted arrow stabilizer phone mounts this year until the magnet came off with the phone after a couple weeks. Wasn't thrilled with that. Might try a gopro next year. I would love to get impact confirmation. Amazing photo @BJohnson
  5. Darrin

    Tracking dog

    I looked one up via UBT last year - https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/find-a-tracker/trackers-by-zip/?zip=burlington,+ia I had a relatively good experience in so much as he found the deer in short order, but couldn't make it out until more than 24 hours after the shot (I only called the next...
  6. Darrin

    October Dream Buck

    Dang, what an awesome deer. Love the story.
  7. Darrin

    Another Notch on the Switchback

    Great deer. Congratulations.
  8. Darrin

    Like Sands Through the HourGlass

    27 years. Bear Whitetail II, xx78 super slam fatties, pendulum sight, metal D loop. /smh
  9. Darrin

    Views from the stand 2024-25

    yeah, the hunting part doesn't irk me as much as the backyard views do though...
  10. Darrin

    Views from the stand 2024-25

    Y’all aim for the front tire or back tires?
  11. Darrin

    Mathews dealer and bow shop

    I’ll throw another plug in for archery field and sports, but I will say it’s been hugely rewarding learning and figuring out how to do everything myself. Learned a ton from Dudley and MFJJ via YouTube. There are some great shops out there, but nobody is going to care more about your stuff than you.
  12. Darrin

    Got my IW decals put on

    the world famous connector trail from woodward to perry
  13. Darrin

    Got my IW decals put on

    [emoji112] if you drive by my back door. I’m one of the lucky few that got a new trail installed in my backyard. Not bitter about it at all [emoji57]
  14. Darrin

    Most expensive mouse trap I’ve bought

    [emoji2957] Glad I staked it in good
  15. Darrin

    Wisconsin can keep them

    The amount of dirt just outside the coop after that one night was like nothing I’ve ever seen
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