Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. F

    DNR Seeks Public Input on Promotional Liscenses

    Sorry missed this when it came out but still a couple days to comment on what looks to be "governor tags" I think? hopefully the link works! otherwise just google search & the article should come up. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/IACIO/bulletins/3a96b08 Sent from my SM-G973U using...
  2. F

    What's next for Republicans?

    I'm an independent, cant believe what we have to choose from. Figured in the spirit of this thread u deer hunters would like this shirt I saw on snap chat, I assume a parade in Iowa? made me chuckle Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  3. F

    FISHING ‘24! GO!

    Nice job Ryder! Dandy! Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  4. F

    FISHING ‘24! GO!

    Lake of the Woods last week at Ships Wheel Resort. Bunch of walleye 17 to 19 inches. Sauger 14 to 15 inches. Couple pics of fish that went back! Great trip Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  5. F

    Iowa Cell Camera rules

    I would like to think cell cam use will be enforced just like the cell phone rules .... or not enforced until you shoot a monster buck or catch the wrong warden. I have direct weekly experience dealing with private lawyers & government employed lawyers. Neither side wants gray areas. I would...
  6. F

    Iowa Cell Camera rules

    I think there needs to be regulations put in place on real time use of cell cams. We will see where this whole deal settles out. I hope this prompts reasonable rules & regs on cell cams, it's been a free for all. I am not legally allowed to text or call my buddy that a deer is headed his or her...
  7. F

    ID this critter

    fox squirrels in a loving embrace! Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  8. F

    Pheasant rebound…

    My dad has stocked pheasants in several areas of northern iowa in the last 25 years. He puts them in areas w/ good cover and assumes many will die. If a few live & predators eat the released birds vs any wild birds, in a few years of repeated releases and decent weather there is a huntable...
  9. F

    Broadhead discussion

    I urban hunt and have to shoot 5 does a year to get a buck tag the following year. I started with the g5 montecs & shot many deer because i could sharpen & resharpen. I usually either saw the deer drop or blood trails were an issue. Also my arrow would pass through and bury 8 to 10 inches into...
  10. F

    Unifying Hunters on a wide front to fight the scum bags…..

    Thank you for standing up for common sense deer management. Due to your involvement at the capital & you being a farmer, u known farm bureau & republican reps openly support these bills that are beneficial to nonresidents. These representatives are also to our benefit, strongly representing the...
  11. F

    MN passed crossbows & HOW IT GOT THROUGH!

    If you think it would be any different to implement the use of crossbows in Iowa, you are kidding yourself. If the legislature approves a rule/law, then it is in place. The governor appointed Natural Resource Commision sometimes has some say in it but it is governor appointed for a reason. DNR...
  12. F

    TSS thoughts?

    yes the tss works great for me. Seems to hammer them & the smaller shot size puts more bbs in the kill zone. usually shoot 2 times a year. The price per shot does keep me from shooting coyotes when they come in. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  13. F

    IW has an OFFICIAL VEHICLE!!!!

    got one to beat it, this is in Iowa and yes i heard the conservation officer got called to check on it! This rascal didn't fit in the trunk Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. F

    Do’s & Dont’s of Permission farms….

    agree with what has been said. Doesn't hurt to stop by & b.s. when your around. Also before & after hunting. Don't just drive in and out, be personable. A lot of landowners that let me hunt like to hear about how it went, what you saw, etc Then they talk about the birds or deer they saw going to...
  15. F

    Pheasant 2022

    There are definitely pockets of birds in Iowa, we hunt in the kinda NWish area of Iowa. 10 to 12 years ago bad winters & wet springs pretty much wiped the birds out. A bunch of birds were released for several springs & summers until a few successive easier winters & dry springs allowed the...
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