Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by gsquared23

  1. gsquared23

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    The reason we can never improve things is because everyone is looking out for their own singular best interest. That guy with 39 acres is butthurt that he loses his 3rd buck tag, and so opposes the entire deal. Instead of understanding this is a small step in the right direction and is a (small)...
  2. gsquared23

    Fencing Deer Movement

    I’ll chime in because why not Fencing is not the same as hinge cutting to funnel deer movement. I hinged cut a ditch HEAVILY right behind my stand last winter so I thought the deer would naturally take the easy way in front of my stand for a shot and to keep them upwind. Sat the spot during...
  3. gsquared23

    Osage orange trees

    I’ll be the contrarian and say I don’t like hedge/oo much. The trees get gnarly and choke everything else out, then they’re hard to kill when they get bigger. Hinging little ones seems a good play as it’s a high preference browse and you’ll create instant horizontal cover. I just cut a bunch...
  4. gsquared23

    Cedars vs pine vs spruce

    Another vote for cedars. They are ugly as sin compared to spruce, but the deer leave them alone so I’m going to transplant some this year. My spruce plantings have been a massive failure due to testy, ornery bucks tearing the heck out of them.
  5. gsquared23

    Did not realize how much I have let modern bowhunting change me...

    I have this same thought at times and I agree, it’s a terrible reason to hunt. I enjoy the peace and quiet but I’m also driven to succeed. I need to think there’s at least a chance at a good buck, otherwise I’ll just hunt does close to the road. I’d hate being a rut-only hunter like everyone...
  6. gsquared23

    Did not realize how much I have let modern bowhunting change me...

    I haven’t stressed, but I also can’t enjoy it if there isn’t a big one around to hunt. Hunted 10/1-3 and saw zero deer and was super bummed. Pulled a cam at the end of that last sit, and had multiple big bucks on it, even though they were in the middle of the night, it’s still reinvigorated my...
  7. gsquared23

    Fantastic News!!! Crime is Down Across the US!

    Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe what the party tells you
  8. gsquared23

    Skeletal n shot placement.

    Love him or hate him, ranch fairy opened my eyes to the Vital V. My perception of the anatomy was way off and now I’m aiming where I should and I’m better off for it.
  9. gsquared23

    Hanging deer

    I normally quarter and keep the meat on ice in a cooler for a couple days while I wait for my back pain to subside enough to do the rest of the butchering and packaging. Wet aging is the way to go, either before it goes into the freezer or after it comes out. More important for round steak out...
  10. gsquared23

    Dilemma of selling one of my Iowa Farms

    A dilemma many would envy. Hopefully it works out for you.
  11. gsquared23

    Killing grass around miscathus

    I’ve had so many roundup “oopsies” around fruit trees and shrubs that I wouldn’t trust myself on that option.
  12. gsquared23

    Idea for bedding.

    I’m sure it’ll be a great summer and early fall bedding spot, but after a few frosts, it’d be pretty flat. So it would depend on your goals.
  13. gsquared23

    What's next for Republicans?

    What’s next for Republicans? Well everything is going to plan. They will continue to intentionally lose on every single issue every election cycle, while the same people get elected and will continue to feast off of our hard work while not standing up for our best interests.
  14. gsquared23

    Backpack sprayer recommendations?

    https://my4sons.com/products/m4-battery-powered-backpack-sprayer I’d look very hard at this family company if you’re in the market for a battery powered. Personally I’ll never pump again. I’d buy this one again when I need a new one.
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