Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by iowavf

  1. iowavf

    A decent deer trail.

    That's one busy deer!
  2. iowavf

    Thermal Drones for deer surveys

    Well IC is a blue city!
  3. iowavf

    Prescribed Burn - Backpack Blower Recommendations

    Yup, make a wet line before starting your fire.
  4. iowavf

    Party hunting regs- clarification

    Party hunting and deer drives are two separate things. Can't party hunt during late muzzleloader. You can do a deer drive during LM, but once you tag a deer and don't have another valid deer tag, you can't keep driving deer, even if you don't carry a gun.
  5. iowavf

    Party hunting regs- clarification

    I don't think you can push deer without a valid tag even if you're not carrying a gun?
  6. iowavf

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    I think you forgot to add the new F150 4x4 and a new ATV. :p
  7. iowavf

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Most are opposed to party hunting which is a group sharing tags. If a group of 5 hunters each have a tag and each person kills a deer, it's ok. If that same group of hunters each have a tag and they kill 5 deer, but maybe a couple of the hunters just weren't in the right place and another in...
  8. iowavf

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    I keep reading the phrase,"Trophy" on this post along with a couple other posts on this site. I'm a little confused, are hunters wanting to change, or amend regulations in Iowa so we have more trophy quality deer?
  9. iowavf

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    So you expect the landowner's to feed the deer on their dime, create habitat so you can hunt the deer, then complain because they get an extra anysex tag, if they choose?
  10. iowavf

    Party hunting regs- clarification

    Do away with party hunting isn't going to stop those who are trespassing. Party hunting has nothing to do with making them trespass! Same people will more than likely trespass if they go late ML, just who they are. Also seems to be less hunters versus ten years ago, or atleast around the...
  11. iowavf

    Party hunting regs- clarification

    Party hunting really isn't the reason for less deer in Iowa. EHD and CWD have killed a lot more deer in Iowa than I think has been reported. It's not picky on the age or gender of deer it kills, but you do see a lot of mature bucks reported being found dead. Look around where you hunt and...
  12. iowavf

    Party hunting regs- clarification

    I know people don't like party hunting, but I don't see it going away either. I see lot bigger problems in Iowa when it comes to maintaining a quality deer herd,which is not the same and maintaining a trophy buck herd. Yet the party hunting topic seems to divide more hunters versus bringing...
  13. iowavf

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Hunt smarter, not harder. ;)
  14. iowavf

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I think if you loose party hunting, it's going to affect the deer herd, just not the way the trophy buck hunters would like. From reading through this thread, I get the feeling it's not about Iowa having a healthy deer herd, seems to be more concerns about being able to kill big bucks. Well...
  15. iowavf

    God has blessed America.

    And Biden pardoned Fauci all the way back to 2014! Why?
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