Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by LoessHillsArcher

  1. LoessHillsArcher

    360° trail cams

    The first model did have fogging complaints, I noticed it too on really damp mornings. The new models have changed the design and appear like they'll solve this issue as much as possible. Really neat cam!
  2. LoessHillsArcher

    360° trail cams

    I love my Stealthcam Revolver 360 Pros. I think the Pro is worth the extra money compared to the 'regular' Revolver!
  3. LoessHillsArcher

    SF 179 is back

    Another bill taking us the wrong direction - looking forward to the days when we see bills taking us back. Serious question - how they going to define "family member" and how would one go about proving it?
  4. LoessHillsArcher

    Mexico Sailfish

    Sweet!!! That'd be a wild trip!
  5. LoessHillsArcher

    Timber Stand Improvment

    When we cut we make piles and make trails/pockets. Takes more time but feel it's worth it. I always felt the same way as you stated, just dropping trees and making a mess seemed counterproductive.
  6. LoessHillsArcher

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    CottonwoodCanyon nailed it. Especially on the landowner tag being for larger tracts of land so we don't go do the path of dividing everything up. I do like the fact I can see my shot after shooting with the smokeless. I don't care about shooting long distances. So that one I'm not huge on...
  7. LoessHillsArcher

    Deer are eating

    Must be getting real hungry?
  8. LoessHillsArcher

    Cedars vs pine vs spruce

    Oh we've got 1000s ourselves, I've dug em up before with nearly 100% survival. Just debating if it's worth that or just go ahead and buy a few hundred plugs.
  9. LoessHillsArcher

    Tree planting into alfalfa

    We've got a very thin alfalfa field, due to the soil being pretty tough, that doesn't produce much alfalfa. It never gets tall or thick and short foxtail is mixed in the whole thing every year. I'm thinking about planting shrubs/cedars/scattered hardwoods into the alfalfa. Any issues with...
  10. LoessHillsArcher

    Cedars vs pine vs spruce

    Yup, I've bought those before. They're slick!
  11. LoessHillsArcher

    Tags need to go

    Does anyone know how many Government Tags are issued each year? IA does need this false advertising - it really isn't reality for 95% of the state and that 5% is locked up highly managed land. I talk to people while traveling for work who drool over me being from IA... they dream of coming...
  12. LoessHillsArcher

    Cedars vs pine vs spruce

    Cedars it is! Too bad the ISU Nursery doesn't keep em in stock
  13. LoessHillsArcher

    Cedars vs pine vs spruce

    I'm still to the point where this dismal deer heard has me motivated to stick more time and money to improve our farms and hopefully see things turn around. Sure is a kick in the pants seeing all the previous work get wiped out basically by EHD and deer wandering across the fence. Makes me...
  14. LoessHillsArcher

    Thermal scopes

    I've owned a handful of night scopes, started with ATN thermal and night vision - then a Hogster R35 - then latest is a RIX Storm S3. That scope for $1699 from Midwest Thermal Optics is the best bang for the buck I've seen! I've shot coons and coyotes out to 250 without hesitation. Shot a...
  15. LoessHillsArcher

    Helped a young guy get his first buck

    Good on you!! Congrats to you and him both. Those memories and getting another into the sport out weigh any passing deer/management every single time.
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