Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Mark Ferman

  1. M

    No till drill, planting & details - video

    Great - Thanks for sharing.
  2. M

    No till drill, planting & details - video

    Got it - thanks for the quick response! I like going the heavier route, but wanted to make sure that I didn't "over-seed" and created too much competition within the grains.
  3. M

    No till drill, planting & details - video

    Skip - Need a little help figuring out the mix here. In this blend you mention 125 lbs. per acre of which 60 lbs. for peas and the others are rye, oats, triticale and winter wheat. I thought I read in a previous post (dbltree or someone's modification) - 50 lbs. each of rye, oats and peas -...
  4. M

    Soybean row spacing and population

    Skip - I spoke with my Pioneer guy this morning and he's recommending Enlist beans - P40Z57E He said some guys are even putting a little AMS on their beans.
  5. M

    Speaking of cold

    I have Gobi Heat and have been very satisfied with everything they make.
  6. M

    New cams ???

    Although I like a few other cameras a little better, you can't beat the CuddeLink plan that allows the daisy-chaining of cams (up to 24) on one plan. I have 26 cams over 3 non-connecting farms and carry 3 plans. It would cost me a fortune on the other camera cell plans. I was at the Ohio...
  7. M

    Iowa buck

    I am just now getting this posted of a buck I shot back in October. Scored 161 4/8 gross; 155 4/8 net.
  8. M

    Opening Day success

    I built mine myself after looking at different versions on You Tube. I have five of them.
  9. M

    Opening Day success

    Here's a better look at the left side.
  10. M

    Opening Day success

    Thanks to everyone for their words of congratulations. I have been a reader of this site for years, but finally started posting. This is a great site with tons of valuable information.
  11. M

    Opening Day success

    Yes, he was in the alfalfa field in the background - shot him about 30 yards. I set this farm up based on a lot of information provided by Dbltree - his information is very valuable to hunters.
  12. M

    Opening Day success

    Yes, this is going to be a different year for sure. I tagged out a few years ago on October 14th, but the first day will make for a long season. Not complaining and feel very blessed. I plan to take a week and hunt with a buddy in Ohio, but nothing compares to Iowa!
  13. M

    Opening Day success

    Yes, they don't pay any attention to it. I leave it out year round and replace the hay on it each fall.
  14. M

    Opening Day success

    The neighbor had him on trail camera, but I did not.
  15. M

    Opening Day success

    Here's a buck I killed opening evening - grossed 175 1/8 and netted 153 1/8 - Taylor county.
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