Pelts have dropped by almost 50% this year unfortunately. I do save and sell the castors too, which also are low currently. Just a few years ago, castors were $60 per pound, now it’s around $20.
With the ice finally breaking up in central iowa, I set a few beaver traps this weekend. Caught 3 in the last two days with the biggest being a 58 lb tank!
At a place I hunted years ago, 2 dogs from over a mile away would run deer in “my” timber. At first opportunity, they were dealt with swiftly and quietly.
At the farm I deer hunt, a few summers ago I had the neighbors dogs on cam a couple times. I stopped and told him that we trap coyotes in the fall and I’d sure hate for either of his dogs to end up with a foot pinched, or dead in a snare….never saw them on cam again.
Spent the day with Che Guevara’s grandson yesterday. We coon called, ice fished and predator called. We finished the day with 3 coons, a possum, and a coyote. And we caught a fair amount of fish…pretty good day!
Me and two buddies went to union county and shot 3 does last weekend. We hunted one of the guys family property and had a great time. I know a lot of people don’t support this season. I think you should do what’s in you or your properties best interest
Glad to see Iowa republicans are solving the states problems. I’m a conservative leaning independent, what a great “use” of our budget surplus. Maybe we could use that money to invest in education or infrastructure???
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