Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by MN Hunter

  1. M


    I am about 20 miles north of the Iowa border. About 45 minutes from Decorah. If anyone makes it up north I could meet them.
  2. M


    I have a banks 600 feeder I’d sell for $250. I’m in cwd zone so I can’t feed anymore. Hasn’t been used since 2016.
  3. M

    UTV Spreader

    Do you feel it was worth the investment?
  4. M

    UTV Spreader

    Looking at different options for an electric spreader to be used on atv or side by side. Primarily use will be spreading fertilizer, clover and rye. Anyone have any feedback on the herd...
  5. M


    The cwd deer that I’ve shot all appeared fine except one doe. She looked somewhat skinny. I have no idea what happened to the bucks that didn’t make it back. Almost assume they died because friends and family in the area never got any of those bucks on camera either. But I can’t say for sure it...
  6. M


    MadCatted, what state did you observe and research this? I am from Minnesota and my dad’s farm is basically ground zero in the SE. I have personally shot 3 does and 1 buck that have tested positive since cwd was first detected in 2016. We never allowed sharpshooters on our farm but they have...
  7. M


    Yep. I should have clarified, a combination of each for a brassica plot.
  8. M


    For those of you drilling radishes and PTT. How many lbs of each are you putting down an acre.
  9. M


    This is exactly why you guys need to fight like hell to keep crossbows out of archery. *Minnesota
  10. M


    That doesn’t sound good for some of you. I don’t know what’s worse, EHD or CWD? DNR killed 57 deer on neighboring property and 108 within 1.5 miles of my dads. Last January-April. I know how some of you feel about slim pickings, not wanting to shoot a doe and having no mature bucks to target...
  11. M

    My long winded Draft Letter to Legislature on Deer Regs....

    I think that’s pretty good Skip. I’m a non resident. I really hope they don’t change anything. MN is a total disaster. Endless seasons and now they are sharpshooting on 2 sides of me over corn piles until April. I can’t wait to get back to Iowa in 4 years. I’d sign a petition if you have one...
  12. M

    When will the Bowmars get what they deserve?

    I think some of each. We have harvested 3 bucks that tested positive for cwd. None of them looked sick, they were 5 years and older. We have found dead bucks every year. But that has been the case the last 15 years. I do have pictures of some sickly looking younger bucks and does. No doubt the...
  13. M

    When will the Bowmars get what they deserve?

    It’s happening in MN, 20 miles from the iowa border. DNR has ravaged the heard. They’ve added 2 extra cwd hunts after the regular firearms seasons have closed. Added landowner hunts followed by 3 months of sharpshooting. Going on year number 5. Not to mention, unlimited tags on does and bucks...
  14. M

    Shotgun hunting/ hunter harassment question.

    Anyway you could hinge cut 30’ around your property? In a few years it would be so thick and nasty that they couldn’t see past that barrier into your property.
  15. M

    Dbltree discussion & podcast with his son Jesse...

    Thanks for sharing, worth the listen.
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