Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by MN Slick

  1. M

    Missouri Survey on Non-Resident Hunting

    I voted strongly opposed to all of it. IMO the only two things that would improve the quality of mature bucks would be moving the gun season back and limiting NR. Moving the gun season will never happen and I bought farms in MO rather than Iowa because I could hunt every year. Selfishly, I...
  2. M

    OFFENSE!! 2 Bills to support!! SF 293 & SF 247 EMAIL IN!!! What a great change!!!!

    Interesting conversation, human nature at it's finest. We are all for others making sacrafices for the greater good, but boy does is suck when things hit home. DOGE uncovered $20 million for Sesame Street in Iraq. Those kids are going to feel like they lost a landowner tag.
  3. M

    Soybean row spacing and population

    I'm not sure. I only needed one bag and planted so I could rage on mares tale in that spot. Picked them up from MFA.
  4. M

    Soybean row spacing and population

    I agree, there is something about Enlist beans they don't like. We can get a good stand on a 1/2 acre plot and there were still beans avaiable 2 weeks ago.
  5. M

    The Future of Iowa Deer Hunting and a One Buck Limit

    A significant population increase would negate the necessity of any major changes to regulations. Easy say, hard do! The politicians won't help and the DNR can't at this point. Trigger restraint is the answer. The question is how do you educate the masses? Can a list of all the residents...
  6. M

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    As counterintuitive as multiple buck tags sounds to buck quality, I agree it can help. Only 3 out of 10 bucks has the genetics to be above average. Now we have cell cams, box blinds, more effective weapons, extended season, standing grain plots, and of course EHD, etc. Everyone knows what...
  7. M

    Kasco Drill

    I had a Kasco Versa drill with a large and small seed boxes that could be pulled by a UTV or run on a 3 point. I ran it with both and got good results.......when it rained. It metered large seeds well but was just ok with tiny seeds like brassica due to planting a little heavy. It function...
  8. M

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    Episode 696 Zach Jacobi on the Working Class Bowhuner. The Amana statement was about 1 minute of and otherwise very long podcast so you'll have to listen through a lot of talk. If you are offended by crass language it will a rough listen!
  9. M

    2025-26 deer season change wish list

    I heard an relevant anecdote on podcast the other day. A guy that has hunted the Amana Colonies ground, which I believe is over 20,000 acres, said they made it one buck per hunter about 20 years ago. He said there used to be a number over 170 taken every season prior to one buck. He...
  10. M

    Best $30ish trail camera

    I second running the flash on medium output on Reconyx cams. I haven't noticed negative reactions to Reconyx but have with Spartans when we first started using them. Seems better the last couple years. No idea why.
  11. M

    Making farm more attractive during archery season

    How is the overall population directly around you? EHD? How long have owned it and has it always been that way? Do you own next to Ranger, the droughmaster, haha? Sounds like the population in your area is low and they move into your cover when it gets cold because you have food and good...
  12. M

    Deer #’s down statewide???

    My farms are also in Mercer, one since 2005. I agree with the quality of mature bucks being down. I noticed a drop off around 2018-2019. Increased pressure is my diagnosis as well: crossbows, more guys being selective but not selective enough, EHD, CWD sharpshooting, guys from down south...
  13. M

    Cull buck pics

    Hideous rack and we also confirmed this guy was an a-hole. He was always willing to battle and was all over our farm so I gunned him down. He looked even worse after breaking off what he had. I sent his teeth in and he was aged at either 3 or 4, they were not certain. Either way I didn't...
  14. M

    Deer #’s down statewide???

    I agree. Fawn survival on land I owned in Wisconsin was much higher vs extreme Northern MO where I own now. Almost every doe in Wisconsin had at least one fawn. Totally different in MO. This year seems better but there are always plenty of does without fawns. There were no coyotes on our...
  15. M

    Regs Dialogue with MDC Director

    If it happens I hope they grandfather in landowners.
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