Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Pops

  1. P

    2024 Iowa bow buck

  2. P

    Target buck down

    Great buck! I enjoyed your post. Way to go!
  3. P

    My Veteran's Day Coues Buck

    Well done! Thanks for sharing.
  4. P

    Deer touching brassicas

    Spent a lot of time on the farm last week. Brassicas were being hammered.
  5. P

    Here we go again EHD????

    A lot of us got some rain recently. Not a lot in my case but it raised some water levels. We got 2 pretty heavy frosts and a couple of light frosts over the past 10 days. The 10 day forecast only shows pretty warm weather and not the low to mid 20’s I’d like to see.
  6. P

    2nd sit on new Farm

  7. P

    Outfitter in iowa hiring lobbyist so we sell out our resource….

    Enjoyed your video while driving north today. Interesting, informative. Looking forward to the coming week. We got a badly needed rain last night and more is in the forecast. See you one of these days.
  8. P

    Hudson's biggest buck to date

    Great job, Hudson!
  9. P

    Low movement of bucks? And apple trees

    It’s been a while….Granny Smith I believe is one.
  10. P

    Something I learned about EHD….

    A friend and whitetail expert told me that buzzards will not consume a deer that’s died from EHD. There may be some buzzard activity shortly after a deer dies, but they will not stick around for long. I saw a deer in September at 5 pm and other than his having saliva dripping from his mouth, he...
  11. P


    I completed a report after locating a deer I had seen 48 hours earlier. Other than the saliva that was dripping out of his mouth, he appeared alert and healthy. He was in a drainage ditch that held a few pools of water. To address some of your questions…. I included an email address and phone...
  12. P

    Frost, freeze warning tonight….

    How cold does it need to get to eliminate those EHD midge bugs? My weather forecast shows 31 degrees, light wind, and clear.
  13. P

    Advice on killing poison ivy…

    I can’t help but look!
  14. P

    Charlies video of youth hunt….

    Way to go, Charlie! Great video!
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