Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by spencer52356

  1. spencer52356

    WTB rage practice heads

    Does anyone have any 100g Rage practice heads they would be willing to part with? Seems like they are not making them anymore. Corey
  2. spencer52356

    Food in Des Moines

    TASTY TACOS is a must! Order a flour taco with whatever meat you want. Don't forget the taco sauce.
  3. spencer52356

    Honest concern with Youth Hunter bucks shot…

    I do agree with some of what has been said but I also think there are situations where it can be a good thing for a youth to be successful on a huge trophy. Let's imagine this situation; the young boy/girl has been helping Dad plant food plots, set up blinds and stands, planting more food plots...
  4. spencer52356

    First deer video

    awesome video and great memory! Congratulations!
  5. spencer52356

    Phosphorus and Potassium

    Bassattackr, Thank you! I still had not figured out the proper way to calculate that. Once you wrote it out, it all made sense.
  6. spencer52356

    Phosphorus and Potassium

    That's for my .33 acre.
  7. spencer52356

    Phosphorus and Potassium

    I was off on my calculations. I actually need 25.2lbs of phosphate and 39.2lbs potash
  8. spencer52356

    Phosphorus and Potassium

    I received my soil sample results that show I am low on Phosphorus and Potassium for my clover plot. It recommends applying 9.18lbs of 0-20-20 and 1.53lbs of 0-0-60 for my .33acre plot. Where are you guys purchasing bags of phos and potash? Every bag I find has nitrogen and low phos and potash...
  9. spencer52356

    Euro Mounts

    fill a storage tub with hot water and dawn. drop your skull in there and use an air gun under the water to "air boil" the grease out of all the crevice's Take your time and be sure to get the nasal cavity well. Apply your 40 volume bleach and whitening crème you got a Sally's beauty supply and...
  10. spencer52356

    The "orange army"

    Well put Windlooker!
  11. spencer52356

    old rusty non working guns

    I am looking for a few old non working guns that could be used for decorating my bar. These will just be hung on the wall and collecting a protective layer of dust. Thank you Corey
  12. spencer52356

    If you want a good laugh

    A guy walks into a bar and tells the bartender "you give me 5 beers and I will walk up on thatstage and fart dixie" The bartender gives the man his 5 beers and says; "ok, you've had your beers now get up there and fart dixie". The man gets up on stage and pulls down his pants and poops all over...
  13. spencer52356


    We just cancelled our trip for the 21st. Figured they would make us do the 14 day quarantine and as much as I would like to stay up there that long, not going to happen.
  14. spencer52356


    Skip, Any Christmas sale this year?
  15. spencer52356

    Bag targets?

    I had the same problem when I switched field tips. I had to make sure the diameter was the same or they caught every time.
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