Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Starrito

  1. S

    How Sad

    It is unreal that this idiot would actually kill someone in reference to a darn deer. I love my hunting and wildlife, but there is no way in gods green earth I would kill someone over a deer. What a loser, and I hope that he burns in Hell!!!!
  2. S

    Can someone explain to me why there are idiots out there that decide to take the Bucks that you...

    Can someone explain to me why there are idiots out there that decide to take the Bucks that you have spent hours waiting to see or kill with a High Power Rifle? Is it that they are just lazy and don't want to put the time in? Well, there was a nice buck that I had been watching this summer and...
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