Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by Thedeerhunter

  1. Thedeerhunter

    Harvesting switchgrass seed

    Has anyone experimented with any creative homemade switchgrass seed harvest methods? I’ve seen various grass seed harvesters and the look like a specialized street sweeper. With the cost of seed I’m trying to harvest off a stand I already have established.
  2. Thedeerhunter

    Imox around fruit trees

    Have you ever sprayed it around newly planted young trees? I’m experimenting with about ten new varieties of Asian pear this year. Do you have any experience with growing those in Iowa? Congrats to you and your brother on that hammer he killed. I’m sure you had a major hand in it and I can only...
  3. Thedeerhunter

    Imox around fruit trees

    I know this has been asked before but I’m looking for updated info on anyone’s experience using imox around apple and pear. I’m going to test a tank mix of cleth basagran and imox with ams but no crop oil sprayed over top of apple and pear rootstock and will post my findings
  4. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Starting to run scrapes after dark
  5. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

  6. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Any guess what he would score? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

  10. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Sorry for the cropped pics but it kept saying file size was too large to upload before I cropped them
  11. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

  12. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Day walker
  13. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Let’s get this party started!
  14. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

  15. Thedeerhunter

    2019 trail cam contest

    Any chance of putting together another contest? I really enjoyed seeing all the big velvet bucks pictures last year.
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