Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by tracer

  1. tracer

    Backpack recommendations

    Badlands has a new line of backpacks available. The Rise Pro line designed for the tree stand bowhunter.
  2. tracer

    Olivia pops her best buck

    Congrats Olivia Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. tracer

    Hello from Canada!!

    Welcome, what part of the province are you located ? I'm in Wasaga Beach.
  4. tracer

    Second Hunt, Second Chance Spot and Stalk

    Thanks, yes Sligh especially in the snow belt regions where I am turkey numbers dipped but are doing well now after some easy winters.
  5. tracer

    Second Hunt, Second Chance Spot and Stalk

    Second time out in May, I glassed a Tom in a plowed field from the road. This was where I had seen Gobblers pre scouting the week before. I would have to walk to 2 acres in and 2 acres across. On my walk in I found a $20 bill on the ATV trail ( there's your sign, lol ) . I get in there , mid...
  6. tracer

    New site look / functionality

    Looks good, thanks for the update.
  7. tracer

    Buck shedding video

  8. tracer

    Late Season Bow Kill

  9. tracer

    New guy from Sask

    Welcome to the site. I'm from Ontario.
  10. tracer

    Halloween Buck

    Beauty buck, congrats
  11. tracer

    Ground kill

    Great buck, congrats
  12. tracer

    Down goes Groot

    Great buck, congrats
  13. tracer

    Nov 13th is my day!!

    Brute of buck, congrats
  14. tracer

    11/6 All day sit pays off

    Nice tank, congrats
  15. tracer

    2021 Bow Buck

    Great buck, nice video, congrats
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