My deer were really spread out over this last winter because of the good weather conditions. Never really grouped back up until last couple weeks. I probably ought to walk some deep dark timber and look
Definitely my own mix. I used to do all white clover but I’m experimenting with medium red because the white takes over plots I want a mix growing in.
You don’t need to mix white clovers but I like to anyway. I always have 10-20% Alsike because I feel like it does better with shade, like...
@Mark Ferman here are a few pics of Doubletree type mix- 50/50/50 oats/rye grain/peas. I also put ground hog forage radishes and white clover in the small seed box. This year I’m going to spray a lot of my white clover and reseed medium red clover In my mixes. The white clover tends to...
I think I have read on another forum that planting too early and fertility affect palatability.
There are a few posters that add boron (Borax detergent) by spraying and it supposedly affect palatability too.
Brassaca seed is so cheap and so easy to add to other plantings it would suck to not...
What is your approximate planting date?
All my radish and turnips are in a mix with cereal grain, they eat them pretty well. All of mine were planted around Labor Day.
Hey it was great to meet you!
I walked around a little bit yesterday but didn’t see any. I think they are definitely dropping them- I’m on a small property so I try to balance being out there this time of year because I feel like I run them over to the neighbors. Think I have too much time...
I think its is possible that the two carcases that my neighbor found together are cat kills. (That coyotes fed on?) Kind of in a deep draw in the middle of the timber. I had a doe this summer that had really obvious paw claw rake marks on her rear haunches. I'm thinking bobcat when I say cat...
@Bucksnbears supposedly there is some young kid who won a bunch of tournaments with a super quiet air gun that shoots slugs? Have you ever heard this?
I saw reference to it once couldn’t find it. Got my attention since I would be hunting same coyotes over and over.
@Bucksnbears this is exactly what I was looking for. The heavy cover and a shotgun idea gives me an idea right off the bat!
So much of the predator hunting stuff i look at just looks like “made for tv”. I want the down and dirty hardcore plan lol
The hound stuff is interesting too. Have...
Never set a snare- the videos I looked at were setting the loop perpendicular with the ground so the coyotes head goes through it? It looked super easy compared to leg hold trapping especially with snow on the ground.
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