Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Recent content by whitetail_obsession

  1. W


    I just watched the above video last night. Very interesting. I grew up in WI and remember when CWD was first discovered there and the management since then has been terrible. CWD has never bothered me much other than my concern it may end up killing a bunch of deer. I also remember learning...
  2. W

    Deer #’s down statewide???

    I think I've already chimed in on some other threads with my thoughts. In my area of Zone 5 I believe the numbers are down 30-35%. I have run the same amount of trail cameras in roughly the same areas spread out over 4 counties. I have averaged about 120 pictures per year that I save on either...
  3. W

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    I think it's natural for people to chase the biggest deer they have available to them. I can't blame people for not passing a good deer when they can't control what happens to the deer on that property as I find myself in the same situation on public. You're right about having a difficult time...
  4. W

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    I agree. I grew up watching those shows and moved to IA because of them as I'm sure many others have also. I believe those shows will lose popularity over time as they become unrelatable to your average hunter. It's already happening with YouTube channels. What happens to them if the general...
  5. W

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    I'll share my experience from yesterday. My brother and I drove around SC IA public hunting areas and surrounding private ground for 5 hrs. This is zone 5 and the most highly coveted NR hunting ground. Granted it was hot for this time of year but it's November. We saw a total of about 40 deer...
  6. W

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    As far as deer numbers they are down in my area for sure. Worst year I've had for deer numbers as well as big deer on camera in the last 15 years. Personal experience hunting reflects what my cameras have shown. Much fewer deer and I have been expanding further than ever before trying to find...
  7. W

    Hudson's biggest buck to date

    Congrats. Hopefully many more to come for him
  8. W

    2024 Buck - 7.5 years in the making…..

    Congrats Skip. That's a giant deer. I just hope i can even see a 200" one day even if just driving around. I don't think I truly understood just how small of an area a big buck like this needs to live. They can find the spots nobody thinks about and if they travel much outside of that area...
  9. W

    Tell me why we should shoot more does

    There will always be pockets where some does need to be taken (likely blocks where there are large landowners with ample food). I hunt a lot of public and will say there does not need to be more doe harvest here. 10 years ago I would see 6-12 deer per hunt but now I may see 3-4 on a good night...
  10. W

    What's next for Republicans?

    Both sides think they're logical thinkers and the other side is irrational. That is why we have sides so we can continue to fight over who's right and wrong while the big money pulls the strings. Both sides have hurt the average person and have printed money like crazy. We continue to invest in...
  11. W

    What's next for Republicans?

    If Biden stays in the race I can't see him beating Trump after that debate performance. Trump will be smart enough to not debate him again because I think it would only hurt him. The Dems keep pointing to Biden having better policy. Dems and Republicans both think they're policies are better...
  12. W

    What's next for Republicans?

    Grant is a smart guy and I think could be a good candidate if he ever ran
  13. W

    What's next for Republicans?

    That was a terrible debate. Much rather would have watched Trump vs RFK. We'll see how delusional dems are if they let Biden keep going after tonight's debate. Very embarrassing for our country.
  14. W

    Caitlin Clark Olympic Team

    I'm not surprised. I think most of the girls on that team dislike her and the team chemistry wouldn't be good. I think she absolutely deserves to be on the team but until the league realizes what she brings to women's basketball it will not grow. I never watched a girls basketball game before...
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