Recent content by wildlands

  1. W

    Should Dogs Be Allowed to Track Wounded Deer

    Leashed tracking dog that way no one can say they are looking for their dog. A well trained tracking dog will stay on a wounded animals trail. But if you want to make sure that it does and that the handler stay where they are suppose to be make it leashed tracking only. There are definetly some...
  2. W

    Opportunity to learn more about tracking dogs.

    United Blood Trackers is having its annual 3 day event over in Wi. I know there has been several discussion on this board over the years and a push to get tracking dogs legalized. Here is a great opportunity for those wanting to learn more to get some first hand knowledge. For those on the fence...
  3. W

    Trouble with Leashed tracking dog rule changes

    Sent a message to Brian to get him to pop in to answer questions. Ken
  4. W

    Trouble with Leashed tracking dog rule changes

    Big twist, The govenor has sent the proposed rule change back to the DNR. He is supposedly supportive of the measure of using tracking dogs but said that a hunter/ tracker should not have to have the dog on leash. Brian never wanted this not does he think it is the right time to pursue off leash...
  5. W

    Trouble with Leashed tracking dog rule changes

    Brian posted the below info over on the United Blood Trackers forum. I thought it worth of reposting over here so that more people would see it and be able to help out. Please take the time to contact the Govenor's office and show your support for the leaglization of Leashed tracking dogs for...
  6. W

    News from the DNR meeting today on allowing tracking dogs.

    I wish I had that option here. I have been on a lot of tracks that end at the property line because the hunter does not know who the adjoing landowner is or how to get ahold of them. This is one of the biggest topics I push when I am talking to hunters. I allways tell them to do a little work...
  7. W

    News from the DNR meeting today on allowing tracking dogs.

    There is no reason to require a dog to get accredited unless they just want to. Word of mouth will keep the bad ones from working. Keeping the dog on leash is the only way to keep the conflicts down. Not every person is going to go out and get a tracking dog to just track for themselves. The...
  8. W

    News from the DNR meeting today on allowing tracking dogs.

    They have to go through the rewiew and comment state I guess to be legal and that will take to long to get it for this year. It would be nice though if they moved on this quickly.
  9. W

    News from the DNR meeting today on allowing tracking dogs.

    I thought I would pass along some good news from todays meeting. Brian just posted this over on the UBT web site and I thought I would pass the news along. Will not be this year but looks like next year the hunters of Iowa will have another tool in their hunting arsenal for the recovery of...
  10. W

    Update on tracking dog petition

    Again the Game and Fish has bumped the meeting. It is now scheduled for July 22. Would not hurt if some of you called and voiced your support. Hopefully they will get it in this time and I can report some good news by the end of the month. Ken
  11. W

    Update on tracking dog petition

    Slight change the dates are July 8th
  12. W

    Update on tracking dog petition

    The petition was turned in and now a review is scheduled for initial discussion with the DNR on June 10, 2010 in Des Moines. So if as many hunters can contact them and show your support maybe just maybe they will make the changes needed to allow tracking dogs.ThanksKenUBT board
  13. W

    Here is the Tracking dog petition please sign

    Been another change of plans with this. Here is a post from Brian that I just got on another forum "Ken, I am planning on sending the hard copy to the Iowa DNR tomorrow. I obtained the 160 signatures without any problem. I'm sure I could have gotten many more without much trouble. 98% of...
  14. W

    Here is the Tracking dog petition please sign

    Making some changes to the way we are collecting names. So that names and address are not on here for potential miss use by others I removed the names and such from the original petition. One of the guys working on the petition stated that if you will just email him he will add the names and...
  15. W

    Here is the Tracking dog petition please sign

    IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Petition by Brian Robert Hibbs for the adoption of rules relating to use of leashed tracking dogs to assist in recovery of legally shot deer. PETITION FOR RULE MAKING RULE CHANGE SOUGHT PERMITTING THE TRACKING OF LEGALLY SHOT DEER WITH LEASHED...