PMA Member
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I got a few questions for you turkey experts...
1. How many decoys(hens,jakes,toms) do you guys use?
2. Do you have to use scent killer or anything like that?
3. How many and which calls would you say the bare minimum would be for a guy to have?
4. How do you position your decoys?
5. What time do you start using what calls?
As you probably guessed I don't know anything about turkeys, except a guy i know has some that he wants dead:way: I have been following this thread http :// any additional info you can give me would be great!
thanks in advance.
1. Save your money... at times they can be fun to hunt over, but you'll kill just as many without.... 2. This made me laugh, but in all reality, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea because I've had deer screw up a turkey hunt because they were smelling me, but you don't have to worry about turks... 3. Learn to use a diaphram and you'll only need one, however, you can get by with none if you really scout hard and study the flocks pattern and be waiting for them when they go by.. 4. N/A. ... 5. I wait til a few minutes b4 flydown time and ill give a couple soft tree yelps to let them know I'm there.. then ill sometimes do a flydown cackle and slap my leg to simulate a wing beat (they love it). Ill call a couple more times after the toms hit the ground