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Iowa Whitetail Forums

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Everyone needs to relax, sheesh. What is with all the pissing matches on here lately? As far as we all know we are all hunters after the same "trophy" (in quotes because people categorize it differently), just in different ways. If they want to do it their own way, and it's legal, who are you to judge how they do it? They're opportunistic? Saying you will light the ditch on fire and shoot at them if they are by your land is as bad as all the uneducated lawbreakers. I'm not here to start fights, or stop them, but people need to chill out.

It's been a hard rut with terrible weather...... I think everyone is grouchy :grin:

But seriously, I wouldn't blame people like 6x6 at all if he wanted to mess with them. It may be legal to stand in a ditch and hunt, but if you are doing that in a 10 ft wide space that borders private land, chances are that you are doing it because you know there are good deer in there and you are trying to sandbag off of the landowner. We had a guy last year in Winneshiek county pull up on the road and shoot a doe that had crossed the road in front of him and he shot her out of the ditch. The property line and posted signs were literally feet away from her. Legal or not, that's bogus if you ask me. There are guys that drive up and down that road all day during gun season just to try and see some of the good deer that are on that farm and the surrounding ones. Poaching is a major issue in that area, and I 'm sorry but I have no respect for guys that hunt out of there trucks. My good friend is from Central Iowa originally and he tells stories of guys literally herding deer with there trucks and running them until they basically just give up and they get out and shoot them. Sounds pretty sporting to me. I'm not saying the way I hunt is any more "legal", but I personally wouldn't feel right "hunting" like that.
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