It is going to be a good fall!
- Deleted by N/A
I agree but. Do you own ground in more than one state? Complain about not being able to buy a $650 NR tag every year? Take numerous out of state hunting trips every year?
Owning ground doesn't make you a rich man. Go back and read through Hardwoods post and that is
what I have seen.
Ok Hardwood you may not be "rich" in your eyes. Either are setting pretty good or have some huge credit card or loan balances.
Mobile Cooter using IW
Cooter: In the late 90's and early 2000 I bought two farms in MN. An 80 for $24,000 and a 148 acre parcel for $550 an acre. Land was a steal back then, and both had CRP and crop payments to pay for the land.
My total down payment on both parcels was under $10,000. I have since bought and sold some land, and yes did make some nice profit off a couple of land sales. I am not bragging, just fortunate to take a bit of a risk and buy some ground. Now, yes, maybe on paper I have decent wealth, but I still refuse to stop at the dairy queen after my kids baseball game so we can save some money
Some of my out of state hunts have been partially paid in exchange for outdoor writing and seminars in MN/ND/SD and Canada etc... so hopefully that explains the out of state trips.... and no I have not applied for a Iowa governors tag.
My land in Iowa is an important investment to me and I would never in any way try to make the deer hunting go backwards in this state!
I can tell you one thing, there are several guys on this site that have bought and sold farms and increased their acres over time due to land value increases, I've met a few of them and they are some smart dudes and they don't regret buying land that is for sure! I'm kinda small potatoes to some of them~!
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