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whitetailassasin said:To answer a very legitimite question, as long as he can prove he lives in Iowa at least 90 days prior to season and does not purchase a resident hunting license in Florida, he has as much right to a resident deer license as any other resident in this state. Why does everybody on here have to cry about "their" deer. If you don't have a helpful answer or don't know what you're talking about, don't reply. :way:
Jdubs said:If he lives in both places 6 months a year I would say it's a matter of where he wants to be considered a resident, where he wants to vote, and have a driver's license. My Iowa resident neighbor resides in Florida 4 months out of the year, but maintains his driver's license, voter registration, etc. in Iowa. I think the law requires your uncle to reside in Iowa for 90 days prior to claiming residency, if he lives in Iowa 6 months out of the year legitimately I think its his choice, but he can't do both.
It was the forth reply............ And don't you worry bout MY deer
We don't want what is here ruined what is wrong with that.