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Crockett said:The right to protect your family!!! Lets say you, and the afore mentioned family are sleeping........ you have a 22. up to a air to ground missle all witha bigger then 10 round clip in them!!!!!!!!! Under your pillow!! We are armed!! :way: Unless the bad guy is a idiot(Agreed many are!) and makes alot of break in noise you are gonna wake up to a gun in your face!!! You are already dead!! If they ring the doorbell in broad daylight you can PROTECT YOUR FAMILY!!! Other than that.You get to watch if your alive, and before they leave the'll take your high dollar weapons with them!! Let's face it if I wanna put a slug in your head, I wont announce it!!!!!!! Argue on!!!!:way:
How many deadbolted doors can you break into silently? How many locked windows can you open without noise? Plus I have an early detection system that is almost always goes off when anything strange enters my yard.
Yes if your not taking any steps to not make it easy to get into your house I see your point.
Skip lets ban together to get rid of those pools then we will go after those tranpolines.
Mobile Cooter using IW
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