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Iowa Whitetail Forums

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So my archery season has been slow to say the least. Not a lot of time to hunt and when I did, not really seeing any deer at all. I took off a few hours Friday and saw 0 deer. Again, I hunted from 9:30-2:30 on Monday and saw 0 deer. This was the first time ever that I sat in this woodlot and never saw a deer.

Taking my son to hockey, I passed the spot I had just sat all day and not 400 yards away is a big 8 point with a doe. I joked with my son, maybe she will bring him up to the back yard and bed and I'll get him tomorrow. I work out of my house and can watch the back fields so this time of year is hard to get anything done. I decided to go out and check my trail cameras in the back field. Both were having issues and I pulled them and was cursing as I'm walking back to the house and all of a sudden, I see white tines in the brush.

I got back to the house and debated going after him. I slowly worked my way back to the same point I saw him and started glassing and picked him out. Surveying the situation, I tried to decide on my gest option. Within a minute, he stood up and looked in my direction. I dropped out of sight and nocked an arrow. Once he turned, I stood and drew. He walked right and got behind some brush and then started straight away. Thinking he was leaving, he turned left and I could see his vitals. I held it on him and talked myself through the shot. I estimated it to be 30 yards (later found out it was 35) and released the arrow. On the shot, he took off low to the ground and and busted through the pines. A doe went crashing off as well.

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