New Member
- Deleted by N/A
Look the msg has been sent. NR are not liked, welcome and or wanted in Iowa. Shut your mouth you outsider land owner that came here and stole our land and drove us off of our free hunting. Ok I get it after being hit on head for the 50th time. now.
You know I'm about
)))) this close to giving up hunting for good. Thats a tall statement out of me because I really dont do anything else. It aint fun anymore. Lost friends over deer hunting to the point where I dont even want to be involved in something where your best friend will cut your throat over a big buck. Every deer I ever shot was not worth not having friends over. Its pretty bad when you have your besties scheming behind your back and your only real value to someone was you were the farm owner. Owning aint easy and its worn me down with all the BS I have had to deal with. I cant and wont be involved with something not positive to me any longer. Warning to any NR and wanabe land owner or outfitter on here...Delete your threads and your logon cause well lets just say your fixin to get a keyboard butt hurtin.
You know I'm about
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