- Deleted by Sligh1
- Reason: Duplicate
We dont have access to dbltrees pics and with photobucket having 3rd party issues, and trying to charge people now, I'm going to say we will likely lose all those pics unfortunately.
Oh no!!!!
Well- one thing I'll throw out there... Paul and I worked on a lot of projects together for many years. Paul was an incredible TEACHER and someone I looked up to for many many reasons. He taught me a lot about habitat and over the years- many other things in life. He was a habitat GENIUS!!! I'll never get to the level of his knowledge and I think I've ever known of someone with the level of knowledge he had.
What I'd do is be one part of trying to keep up on some of his work. Stuff like pictures & contributing. I can start taking a lot more pictures and trying to fill in some of those huge holes that are now missing. It'll take time and others help but I'll do work on filling some gaps of what is missing and advancing as best as my abilities are, the spirit of what paul was teaching with all his posts and knowledge. I'll work on this & great reminder/legacy Paul left on many folks across the Midwest. I can't fill those shoes but I'll chip in. Now that man was an example of integrity, hard work, humble & will leave a lasting legacy to a lot of folks. Gotta keep his memory & work alive