PMA Member
- Deleted by Hawk32
Its really hard for me to read some of these comments and not get bothered by it. I get it, the trespassing, the wounded deer, the unethical hunters, it happens. I'm not naive enough to think it doesn't. But there are also a lot of good ethical hunters that do it the right way as well and I hate it when the "shotgun group mentality" all get lumped together. I guess I take that a little personal. You can make the same argument about trespassing and unethical hunters for every form of hunting there is from squirrel hunting, mushroom hunting, shed hunting, bowhunting, coyote hunting, coon hunting, etc, etc.
Like others I have hunting both ways for long time. I would like to think I have an unbiased opinion and can see both sides of this debate. Although I prefer the solitude of stand hunting the shotgun hunting season is something I look forward to every year and its just as much about seeing friends and family I don't get to see that often anymore as it is about killing a deer. I can tell you what it's not about and thats trespassing, taking unethical shots, not taking care of a wounded animal, or hunting from a truck. I honestly can't remember one time in the last 10+ years where there has been any trouble with trespassing or witnessing anything like road hunters in the area I hunt. Maybe I'm just very fortunate to be in a good area with like minded groups around. Again I know it happens. I have plenty of friends in law enforcement that I hear all there stories. FYI one particular buddy that patrols during 1st season in the last 2 years has written up 2 different people that were current law enforcement officers themselves. lol Just can't fix stupid.
Some more thoughts on the debate. If it wasn't for the 10s of thousands of deer killed during shotgun seasons where would the population control come from? Disease? a 50 acres land owner maybe shooting one doe if any a year waiting for his trophy buck? An out of state land owner that owns 100s of acres that doesn't allow any hunting? Would the DNR/legislations be forced to increased amount of non resident tags? farm bureau? More deer car accidents?
Another debate some buddies and I have had the last few years is has the quality of bucks in this area decreased because like minded groups shooting more does and less bucks which intern let more junk bucks live much longer and continue those genetics of crap bucks that will never come close to being a trophy. Those genetics have taken over and quality bucks are hard to come by.
Bottom line is there is no right or wrong way. Hunt the way you want and enjoy it and don't hypicritial of someone who chooses a different method.
Like others I have hunting both ways for long time. I would like to think I have an unbiased opinion and can see both sides of this debate. Although I prefer the solitude of stand hunting the shotgun hunting season is something I look forward to every year and its just as much about seeing friends and family I don't get to see that often anymore as it is about killing a deer. I can tell you what it's not about and thats trespassing, taking unethical shots, not taking care of a wounded animal, or hunting from a truck. I honestly can't remember one time in the last 10+ years where there has been any trouble with trespassing or witnessing anything like road hunters in the area I hunt. Maybe I'm just very fortunate to be in a good area with like minded groups around. Again I know it happens. I have plenty of friends in law enforcement that I hear all there stories. FYI one particular buddy that patrols during 1st season in the last 2 years has written up 2 different people that were current law enforcement officers themselves. lol Just can't fix stupid.
Some more thoughts on the debate. If it wasn't for the 10s of thousands of deer killed during shotgun seasons where would the population control come from? Disease? a 50 acres land owner maybe shooting one doe if any a year waiting for his trophy buck? An out of state land owner that owns 100s of acres that doesn't allow any hunting? Would the DNR/legislations be forced to increased amount of non resident tags? farm bureau? More deer car accidents?
Another debate some buddies and I have had the last few years is has the quality of bucks in this area decreased because like minded groups shooting more does and less bucks which intern let more junk bucks live much longer and continue those genetics of crap bucks that will never come close to being a trophy. Those genetics have taken over and quality bucks are hard to come by.
Bottom line is there is no right or wrong way. Hunt the way you want and enjoy it and don't hypicritial of someone who chooses a different method.