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Iowa Whitetail Forums

  • Deleted by fergyr
If the taxes are going to bankrupt someone, they aren’t going to doze “acres” of timber to put into production. They could pay taxes for years and not come close to what the clearing and prep work would cost. Even the break even point after planting would take years. We are losing more habitat every day with waterways and fence lines being eliminated than we would lose by taxing forest.

I bet a lot of people wish their ground was taxed at $5/acre. ( Based off Skip’s statement in #6 above)

“A major failed argument by those that were supporting the bill was that people who have timber enrolled into the Forest Reserve are also leasing their land for hunting. I dont have any idea how common this is, but its totally a mute point since its against the rules to lease acres that are in the Forest Reserve for hunting,”.
How is it a mute point just because it is against the rules? It’s happening and there is nobody enforcing it. Selling hunts on it may not technically be considered “leasing” it, but it’s the same principal. The client is paying to hunt for a set period of time on ground with restricted access. The same happens with CRP.
One individual that commented during the public meeting in support of the eliminarion of the Forest Reserve program used this exact example, he specifically said that forest reserve land is also being leased for hunting, and that this isn't fair.

If a group is attempting to eliminate a program that has been in place since the early 1900's it seems reasonable that we in turn have an expectation that a debate is based upon fact.

You can not lease your Forest Reserve Acres for hunting, please see the attached Forest Reserve Law Sheet.

The specific comment that he made is a mute and totally invalid justification for eliminating the Forest Reserve.


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