Such a great harvest pic

I'm sure he will fry up just as golden brown!

Drive home with him in the bed of the truck and he should air dry and fluff back to normal in no time. Have done it before!
Ha, that pic reminds me of a time once, way back...I was out turkey hunting and fell asleep. It was a rainy day and not much was happening. I am not sure how long I had been snoozing but when I woke up I saw something right in front of me about 15-20 yards away. It looked just like your pic...being blurry eyed and all...I could not tell what it was...until it gobbled at me. was a tom turkey in full strut! I had to have jumped 6" off the ground from a sitting position, but quickly gathered myself and shot the poor beast. There had been enough rain that his tail fan was all jacked up like yours and I couldn't understand what I was seeing. :)

Not much for pics that day. :)
The bird my buddy shot was beautiful so I was so looking forward to having a pic of the two of us. Might have to frame it.
Picks like that don't bother me, actually rather like them showing the actual hunt. Not into washing and blow drying to get a staged photo.