It is going to be a good fall!
- Deleted by Hardwood11
- Reason: Dd
It was a case of “too many mistakes”. Been all over Winkes. I’m on big farms all the time. “8 out of 10” have huge problems that are hard to solve….
Most are run by bully bucks folks don’t or can’t put their tags on. Way too many!!! This is a HUGE problem!!!!!
Food is not diverse & plentiful
Hunting it wrong - long list.
Hunting skills lacking - sorry- this is WAAAAYYYY OVER 50%!!!!!!!!
Forage & browse are eaten down badly.
Neighbors target big farms way harder than other farms - usually loaded with fence sitters out to shoot the best scoring 2-4 year olds & many get shot.
Not keeping up with the huge list of tasks: fertility & PH. Consistent TSI. Spending the time to have 3-4 types of food plots.
Owners thay can’t let the “175” 4.5 year old go or even a bomber 3.5” but they “want 200’s or mature giants”
Spending millions on the farm but being a cheap-skate for improvements & yearly costs to make them great.
Not the ambition or ability or knowledge to do the huge amont of work required.
On & on & on…. There’s so much work on these big farms … the list is endless. Challenges are endless. MOST end up being dissapointed and throw in the towel. Good size farms in the “best areas” - come for sale over & over …. Guys spend 3 years on em- don’t meet expectations or get frustrated & sell. “Big deer areas” are a realtors dream as they can resell the same farm 3-5 times!!! Winkes farm is for sale for the 3rd or 4th time again.
Heck- farm I own - i was 4th “hunter/owner” & last 3 said “the farm kinda sucked”. Ha! & when I bought it… it did!!! Sucked bad!!! Took ton of work to turn around.
Everyone thinks “Jim Bob has a huge farm- must be full of giants”. Im telling u…. 80%++ of these big farms- not the case. I could write a 20 page post on this but I’ll spare u guys![]()
Your point of guys buying big dollar farms and then being tight wads on habitat and food plots . It’s true and I can attest to it.
I will have to be honest and admit that’s me. I’ve done the tree planting, fixing up farms, but I have to confess—a check from the farmer for cash rent is much easier to cash then leaving 5 acres of food plots at your own expense …(example)
5 acres cash rent …+ $1250
5 acres food plot … -$1500 out of pocket .
In my case the 115 acres of crop is used to pay off the farm ! I do leave plots, but I’m giving you an example!
I know there’s a happy medium, but I think a lot of out of state guys like myself, will take that route. TSI, and all the necessities do not always get done when they should .
We know the farm could be much better, but an absentee landowner will have a hard time maxing out the potential of the farm.
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