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Iowa Whitetail Forums

  • Deleted by Hardwood11
  • Reason: Dd
I don't like Biden or any other liberal. But people posting bull shite divisive conspiracy crap (from either party) like above without solid proof is a major part of the discontent in our country. People inside and out side our country that either just want a rise and clicks out of people, or want real harm to our county, post stuff like this. And you reposting it only makes it worse. I know you said "if its true" BUT some percentage of people will believe it no matter what because they like to believe it.

The huge short on DJT stock before the Trump rally is all over the internet, on multiple web sites. It’s not even a rumor, it happened.

Maybe lucky timing… ? We don’t know the motive or why they shorted it on Friday. They got burnt as the stock jumped on Monday.

I follow DJT on Seeking Alpha.

It’s something to keep an eye on, as you can’t hide a short from the public.
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