Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Warning to the dads of young girls...


PMA Member
We've spent all week at state softball and reminiscing about when we were the center of our daughters world. I remember when I would walk out the door she would run to put on her boots and coat, then ask "where we going". Driving the ranger was the highlight of her day and asking a million questions the whole time. It has hit hard this year because she got her school permit, a car, and a boy :-( so she only needs us for cash lol (not really but kinda). The greatest time of my life has been the last 15 years. I was fortunate enough to have my parents babysit until she went to school so our mornings together was our bonding time for nearly 15 years but now she's driving so that is over. My biggest regret, not pushing the hunting harder. She got involved in so many activities so the hunting took a back seat.

My advice...take them hunting and make it fun. Most of all, take in every moment and take every picture you can, cloud photo storage and smart phones do have a good use. I took alot of the teacher in-service days off when she was in grade school and those were just our days to do whatever. Usually breakfast at McDonald's, run errands and then piddle around the farm. I read a quote about how we get to know our kids for so many years as adults and so few years to know them as children. Take it all in...

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We've spent all week at state softball and reminiscing about when we were the center of our daughters world. I remember when I would walk out the door she would run to put on her boots and coat, then ask "where we going". Driving the ranger was the highlight of her day and asking a million questions the whole time. It has hit hard this year because she got her school permit, a car, and a boy :-( so she only needs us for cash lol (not really but kinda). The greatest time of my life has been the last 15 years. I was fortunate enough to have my parents babysit until she went to school so our mornings together was our bonding time for nearly 15 years but now she's driving so that is over. My biggest regret, not pushing the hunting harder. She got involved in so many activities so the hunting took a back seat.

My advice...take them hunting and make it fun. Most of all, take in every moment and take every picture you can, cloud photo storage and smart phones do have a good use. I took alot of the teacher in-service days off when she was in grade school and those were just our days to do whatever. Usually breakfast at McDonald's, run errands and then piddle around the farm. I read a quote about how we get to know our kids for so many years as adults and so few years to know them as children. Take it all in...

Good advice, I told both of mine early on the main requirement of a boyfriend was 400 acres of timber and didn't matter if the lad hunted. Well, they both are getting married this year to some nice gents, unfortunately neither has any huntable ground, atleast I tried. I still comment to them they have time to purchase.
You nailed it. I’ve got a 7 and 1 year old, both girls. Never saw myself growing up as much of a girl dad. Now, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Watched my 7 year old shoot her first Tom this spring and hopefully her first deer this fall. My youngest seems to love her dad time too, so I look forward to those days ahead as well. Crazy how time flies and priorities shift as we get older. Great post and thanks for the reminder to slow down and enjoy gods creations with those we cherish.
@madplotter that's me too...mine are 15 and 17 now. Time sure flies. It sounds like you've spent great quality time with them, and that's everything. I wouldn't be hard on yourself about pushing hunting more. I think kids either take to it or they don't. One of mine likes to hunt and the other doesn't and that's okay. My son can't get enough of it :)

He's so right guys, soak it up now while you can...pretty soon, they only come see you for money or more screentime. LOL
I got busy with life and though I took the boys hunting a time or two, it didn't take hold. The one son does like to fish and so do his children, so might work harder on getting the grandkids out. Time is precious and slips away too quickly if you let it.
Mine is 8 in a few weeks. Already know many of the landowners around with similar aged kids, we will hang out with them Not sure she will ever hunt but she loves to fish and hunt shrooms with me and just hang with her dad and I will take every second of that!!

The boy is a chip off the ol block. Loves being outdoors, hunting, fishing, hiking. Hopefully he keeps with it all as I know some of the best times of my life were with my dad in the outdoors
My kids are 17, 15, 14 (girl) and 12. Got to throw this out there... I've gotten to rediscover my amazing wife again within the past year or two, after a good 15-year hiatus. I love my kids dearly, and have enjoyed raising them, but I'll be spending the rest of my days with my mate.
Unfortunately, my kids are grown but the memories of hunting and fishing where the best time I had with them. I have 3 grandsons; one wants to hunt but they live in Florida. The love shooting bows, at least that rubbed off on them.
No girls, but my youngest was the outdoorsman. Starting at the age of 8, had him running trotlines, bass & crappie, ice fishing, sitting in the tree stand with me bow hunting & hunting turkey in the spring. At 14 he got his work permit & bought his own 1990 lifted Blazer. He got involved in many school activities, worked, girls and before you know it...college. That was pretty much the end of all outdoor hunt/fish activities.
Now, he is 26 and is back into all of it & I'm loving every minute of it.
My daughter used to be much more of a hillbilly, but she has lost some of that as she gets older.


The days of making angels and rolling in the dirt are over….


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Great post. Both my girls are gone to school in Ames. Some of my best memorys are taking them to Az for a week of scouting in a year I had an elk tag there and times in the BWCA
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