wow. That’s crazy. Mid December every year I see a few…. So I guess we about right on time. Been that way for 20+ years. By January… a good handful. If it’s abnormally high amount of shed bucks…. The 2 things we had this year… end of summer drought. Which can also impact food/nutrition all fall on top of the stress during the drought. The other is the ehd …. A deer who got ehd and survived is very likely to drop earlier of course. Lot of stress on that animal.
Late shed buck season with rifles needs to go… again.
Picked a dandy up on public on Friday. Lots of shed bucks this year in our area already. Wondering if they are EHD survivors. I saw 4 shed bucks in one night in November.
Haven't seen any yet(that I know of) but have dragged several Christmas day bucks out of the woods over the years and have one or both antlers pop off.
Definitely he first I've every got a pic of a shed buck already, one side atleast. It is nearly January though, another few weeks and I'll likely have a few picked up.
I have two shed bucks already on my ground in GA. I also found a shed Christmas Eve Very early for my place. I have heard dry years will make bucks shed earlier than usual. Who knows?
We have one shed buck on the ranch so far, but, he had a compound fracture on his back leg last year that healed and he rebroke it during rut (didn't puncture skin). I won't expect most of the bucks to shed until the end of January. I check one buck daily though
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