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I used to run/raise/breed coon hounds in northern MO. I would much rather have hounds running through my deer honey holes than yard dogs or stray dogs. Trashy deer runners usually don't live a very long life. When you invest thousands and thousands of dollars in a hound to do a certain job for you, if it doesn't do that specific job(coyote or coon), you can't afford to keep feeding and investing in it.
Yard dogs are much much worse when it comes to chasing ALL game and causing a ruckus.
Casting dogs on any land with out permission should be illegal it’s trespassing.Lost a lot of cattle in the feed lot from them 6 cattle at one time. Spooked and cattle ran over each other in a tight corner.Funny they wouldn’t claim their dogs. Different time snow was crusted hard ,coyote dog was there tormenting the pissed off cow with broken leg. Should shoot every hound I could draw a bead on. I’m not someone’s play ground. If i come to someone’s work place and trashed it I would be in jail.The casting dogs law needs changed it’s a joke. Sorry for venting.
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I've been hunting with many different hound guys for about the past 8 or so years.

Fabricated stories abound.
I once asked permission to bowhunt a property. Land owner said no.
Said she had a deer die in her yard that had 8 arrows in it.

For Christ's sake guys..., embrace the guys running and killing coyotes.
I call bullshit on those that claim a group of coyote hounds killed/ harassed thier livestock!!.
Houndsmen would not put up with that.

So let the coyotes kill your fawns/ turkeys. Don't whine about it in the future.

I've been hunting with many different hound guys for about the past 8 or so years.

Fabricated stories abound.
I once asked permission to bowhunt a property. Land owner said no.
Said she had a deer die in her yard that had 8 arrows in it.

For Christ's sake guys..., embrace the guys running and killing coyotes.
I call bullshit on those that claim a group of coyote hounds killed/ harassed thier livestock!!.
Houndsmen would not put up with that.

So let the coyotes kill your fawns/ turkeys. Don't whine about it in the future.
I am sure every single hound and houndsmen are exactly the same - just like every bow hunter is exactly the same. Just because you have a sample of 8 that are good does not mean someone else did not have a very different experience. I am glad your experience was good, but you have no position to tell someone else how they need to react to what happened to them or on their land.
Total FWIW...just watched three hounds jog through my yard at the farm on security camera video. Watched them for a minute or two until a truck pulled up at the end of the lane and loaded them up. Apparently no coyotes located.
Casting dogs on any land with out permission should be illegal it’s trespassing.Lost a lot of cattle in the feed lot from them 6 cattle at one time. Spooked and cattle ran over each other in a tight corner.Funny they wouldn’t claim their dogs. Different time snow was crusted hard ,coyote dog was there tormenting the pissed off cow with broken leg. Should shoot every hound I could draw a bead on. I’m not someone’s play ground. If i come to someone’s work place and trashed it I would be in jail.The casting dogs law needs changed it’s a joke. Sorry for venting.
I have hunted a very wide path(many states and miles apart) in competition coon hunts back about 25-30 years ago.
I have never seen of, or heard of such a thing.(dead cattle) Most of the guys hunting in Nite Hunts were also there to win. Meaning they had top notch hounds that did one thing... tree coon. The types of guys that turn down a stack of $25,000 cash for their dog. I even saw a guy turn down $11,000 for a dog that lost his cast. That was back in the late 80's through the late 90's.
In fact I always hunted my dogs right in the center of my own cattle at night. This was usually a great place to find coons hitting my creep feeders, and I wanted my dogs to be familiar with cattle. I never owned a hound that would harass cattle.(not saying all dogs are the same)
If no one claimed their dogs what happened to the dogs?
I will tell you what will really spook cattle and horses... a mountain lion. Had 3 horses jump a new 5 barb fence, 6.5 foot steels used. My 60 cows went through 3 different fences(some what crappy fences), in 3 different directions. The tracks in the snow showed the cat didn't chase any of them just passed right through the middle of my farm. The cat went by the 3 acre horse paddock about 100 yards away from the north fence.(cat wasn't even in their pen) The horses jumped the south fence and were still blowing and going nuts when I got home. Just what you want to find when you come home from work. Looked like a bomb went off and blew cattle and horses in all directions.
I would agree with you that guys shouldn't cast their dogs on land they have no permission. Hopefully you never have any more trouble with this subject.
Good dogs bred to do a job are obsessed with doing that job... Border Collies and livestock, beagles and rabbits, Blueticks and coons, etc. etc. they've been trained to do a job and they love that job. When they get the opportunity to do that job, they're focused. That doesn't mean there aren't the occasional oddballs that are total dip$hits but those dogs don't last long. I've been around border collies most of my life and when one just doesn't "get it" working livestock, it better hope someone wants a frisbee catcher or it'll get "brush piled" if you know what I mean.

So, I'm okay with coyote hounds for the most part. I haven't seen them chase deer but they'll chase the hell out of a coyote. Which is awesome. BUT...... the guys running the hounds......... there seems to be a lot of disrespect out of them. At least the ones in my area. They are ALWAYS driving through fields. Past weekend..... had all that snow that melted off in about 12 hours and turned everything to slop.... here's a novel idea fellas, how about you not drive through our corn field and cut ruts through everything!
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