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Iowa Whitetail Forums

  • Deleted by booneriverbucks
  • Reason: Wrong topic
I’m always skeptical of groups asking for money/support. I’ll freely admit I’ve paid for the membership for this because I believed in the cause. I was skeptical from the beginning but I’d pay a lot to keep Iowa great. I’m glad I only paid the bare minimum for a membership and did not donate any real money to an organization that is cherry picking winners and losers in this fight. I’m just asking for honesty. Don’t ask for our money then tell us how you know how to spend it better than us without our input. This is why all our politics are screwed up. We’ve all seen John Kerry tell us why we need to lower our carbon footprint and drive electric cars while he traveled the world in private jets.. Just be honest with your goals. Plenty supporting all this have good intentions but there’s plenty of others that just want to limit the great residents of this state. Any reg that limits some resident with a little less land or a little less money than others is garbage. Nobody should ever listen to people that have more than you that ask you to take less. That goes for everything. Not just hunting.
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